Beta + Necromancer Feedback

I played the beta only on my Xbox Series X and had a very positive experience. Ive never played a game like this on console before and found it to be very fluent and the graphics were great.

After I hit 25 I managed to get a bunch of good legendaries that provided great synergy with minions/blight/decompose. This early build made my minions feel like an actual army and had lots of fun. The golem felt like a power house and its taunt made the blight build even better.

I do have some feedback that are minor and some appear to be commonly shared amongst some of the other players.

  1. Provide an option for holding a mh/oh between the character’s right/left hand

  2. I liked the visuals of the skeletons that were in the early necromancer gameplay videos vs what was in the beta. While I do like the idea of the essence being showcased as animating the undead, it was a bit too bright for my own taste.

  3. Maybe add a new tab in the book of the dead where we could manually modify the colors/brightness effects of our minions? Might be an opportunity for a feature down the road for additional skins?

  4. The female necromancer looked great with the current hair customizations but I feel the ones for male necromancers didnt really fit. Maybe add an extra option that was similar to d3 necromancer or you know who at the end of act 1.

  5. I was a bit surprised when our characters didnt have unique commentary when in certain areas. For example, when our necromancer meets you know who at the end of the act 1, I was expecting something. It also didnt feel right that our character couldnt have assisted in the ritual before hand.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post and look forward to playing the game with you all come launch.

Ya i was surprised there wasnt more dialogue about that part. There was only one line something like " its strange for some reason the feels like home" or somthing close to that.

That does feel a bit odd as a necromancer. Here’s my blood let’s get this over with… :joy: