Beta Feedback-stability, UI, Gameplay

-I noticed a lot of rubber banding on 4/6 days, not as bad on Sunday of the first weekend or Saturday of the second
-I noticed some invisible walls in one of the dungeons
-I would sometimes not be able to transition between two zones and have to go backwards and leave the zone a difference way to get unstuck, maybe the worst with the necromancer
-Stability issues seemed worse when I was playing with a group, we would often desync from each other or our group would randomly disband

User Interface
-screen too zoomed in at max field of view, hard to see opponents on the edge of my screen
-Objectives like dead bodies for quests were too subtle, especially for my friend who hadn’t played diablo before and kept getting confused
-Mini map needs zoom in and zoom out options
-for party groups, remove yellow as a player indicator because other players out of the group are yellow
-party members are hard to see on the full map, please make their icons larger
-hard to tell when a player or quests are in a dungeon, cellar, etc., please change how the icon looks when they are in a dungeon, cellar, etc.

-very fun fundamental gameplay
-some balancing issues made some characters feel too weak at low levels
-basic attacks of druid and barbarian were much weaker than basic attacks of the others. For example, necromancer bone basic attack would deal over 100 damage per spike with 3 spikes, but druid and barbarian would only deal 40-60 damage per basic attack
-The necromancer priest ability didn’t feel like it was working correctly, or maybe I didn’t understand it
-the skill tree actives were mostly great aside from some being much stronger than others, I would like to see more than just two passive modifier options on some of the active ability branches