Beta feedback PS5

Hi, some feedback on the beta.

Comming from vanilla D2, then D3, then D2R, I have some experiece with the PC and console side of things.

  1. UI feels wrong for console.

The D2R and D3 UI’s feel much more mature to me and they work quite well in their own ways. The D4 ui does not feel good as of now, seems like a strange mix of the 2 former, not an improvement. As a console player I would like to see the menu’s being designed for console. To me it looks like this game will make us spend alot of time in the menu’s to change/tweak/finetune things. I’d like to see it more console oriented and user friendly. Looking at a grid inventory and not being able to move items around is just straight up strange.

  1. The dodge/evade mechanic needs to be like D3.

I was taken aback by the realisation that the dodge/evade takes up a button which would be far more usefull to have a skill on. I really find the d3 solution FAR superior to the D4 one. Please look into this, the flick of a thumbstick in a certain direction feels better in every way than it is now.

  1. Colours are dull/boring.

I know lots of people have been complaining about D3 being colourful and too much ‘rainbow unicorn-ish’ (?) anyway, I disagree. I have invested roughly 2000 euros on a PS5 + TV combination with spectacular specs. only to see the colours in D4 being dull, since ‘it needs a dark a gritty feel’… I assume it’s not like this everywhere in the world of D4 but what I have seen strikes me as boring in this sense. I’d like to add that the UI/menu and icons (skills and skilltree) look dull too. (personal preference I suppose) It does make for a skillbar that is quite uniform in colour and not so clear what skill is what.

  1. Skillbar in the wrong position.

I mean. wtf. I read about the reason why and still I find it silly that the skillbar and hp etc. is in the corner. at least give the option to center it and also add UI scaling please.

I’ll leave it at that. Thanks for reading, I will probably not check back for replies, since I never post anything on the forums. I am glad to able to share my thoughts.

  • Smelly

Agree with #4…had to relocate PS5 cam box to top of screen, which over rode other stuff…

Skill bar needs to “float” to where I want it…