Beta Feedback. PS5. Level 20 Barbarian


  • One thing that I believe really needs to be changed: if you’re on a quest in the overworld that involves killing a specific enemy, this enemy should only spawn for your character or party. I had a quest that involved killing a bandit to get a bag of jewels back. When I reached the spawn point, the enemy was nowhere to be found, and the bag of jewels was on the ground. This is just silly and feels wrong.

  • The events that happen on the map also don’t feel very interesting. They happen far too often and the only noteworthy rewards they give is murmuring obols.

  • Honestly, I wish you’d have a true solo mode for this game. It’s more fun to fight stuff on your own.


  • The game looks great with one big drawback in my opinion. The lack of color just makes the game look bland. Sometimes while fighting I couldn’t even tell apart the enemies from the background.


  • My experience was limited to only a level 20 Barbarian, but I found the combat to be fun. I played on Veteran, and my general feel was that the class struggled a bit against bosses. I have to be honest though, I didn’t dedicate much time to thinking about my build. But it does feel like the Barbarian takes too much damage while at the same time being expected to be in melee range to hit enemies.


  • The inventory is just too small, especially considering that jewels take up inventory space.
  • I wish there was a tab that kept track of all the lore we read in game.
  • I wish there was also a tab keeping track of the quests that we completed.

Even though I dislike the MMO aspects of the game, and I’m also worried about how microtransactions and the battle will work, I am looking forward to the full release of the game.

There might be more bag space at launch…in the shop or battle pass.

I don’t think so. Maybe they add more space according to the feedback of the community, but selling more space wouldn’t be considered as cosmetics only. More space means actual game power what they clearly refused to be in shop. If they do add space to the battle pass then only to the f2p path of it.

You picked probably the second hardest class to level up as you starting class. I did the same. Barabarian starts to come I to its own around level 20. At that level you get a second potion upgrade for better survivability and you also get access to gem crating to improve the stats of your gear. You’lol want to add some thorns for increased melee damage and maybe life on kill for clearing mobs. By that time you should have found a legendary or two that works well with the barbarian skill set. It might not be the skill you prefer to use but respec is still cheap at this point, the idea is to be effective.

Another help at this level if it’s your first character, try to find the altars of Lilith as they provide small stat boosts that do add up to a couple percentage points here and there. Also build your renown level up for 2 extra skill points and a potion charge. It sets you up for what you have to do next which is to acquire a barrier aspect.

You might be lucky to get a legendary drop but there is one you can earn in a dungeon. With that unlocked for the first time the occultist should open up allowing you to remove and add aspects to gear. With a barrier the barb is now ready to take on more challenging content. If you’ve managed to acquire vigo’s amulet as part of the main quest you can slot that as well for a second barrier. The aspect activated when you take damage from an elite enemy (or boss) the amulet is activated at less than 40% health. You don’t necessarily want them to stack but you can cycle them off one another to get a solid amount of burst damage before retreating and recovering you other skills and then burst again.

As to inventory it’s OK right now, they need to move gems to its own tab instead of taking up valuable inventory space. They are crafting materials and none of those take up extra bag space. Aspects have their own tab, gems should have the same.

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