Beta feedback - PS5 + co-op

These are my thought after playing couch co-op with my wife, and co-op with my brother in law.


  • Simultaneous couch and remote co-op! Few games support this, almost instant buy just for this.
  • Distinct classes. Almost different game when playing single player, and much fun to compliment each other in co-op.
  • MMO light, serendipitous joining up with strangers for world events is much more fun than expected.


  • Class balance. I started and barbarian, and my wife as Sorceress, she carried me. Second weekend brother in law joined as Druid, we carried him. It does not matter if the classes evens out eventually as you level, if the journey is not fun there we will quit the class.
  • No teleport back to entrance of dungeons. Or I’m too stupid to figure out how? Either way, a must fix, walking back for minutes through an empty dungeon is the opposite of fun.
  • Area scaling. Getting back to an area you struggled with later, and breezing through is part of the power fantasy that I now miss.
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Agree with a lot of this. I can address one of your cons. You can teleport out of dungeons by opening your map and selecting the entrance to the dungeon. This was not clearly explained as I did the same as you until a buddy let me know. I would suggest a pillar or something in the boss room that you could access the feature from.

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Ooh, I was too stupid ;).
One of the main story dungeons do have a teleport back the NPC for progressing the quest. Only teleport I’ve seen.

Remember the quest in Kyovashad to use the gesture wheel to “cheer” on the recruits? “Teleport out of dungeon” is right there by default.

I tend to agree with the rest of your points as well, in terms of my feedback, though I do prefer scaling in this game. It keeps all areas relevant as opposed to “never need to return” content.

There are also two other ways to do this…

You can open the chat wheel. On the left middle is “ leave dungeon”

Also you can open the journal and there is a hot key I think “square” that you can hold for reset all dungeons. This will port you outside the dungeon and reset it.

Maybe areas could have a rubber banded scaling? A min value, with a % to scale. Examples:

Min 10, 75% scale:

  • Lvl 10 → 10
  • Lvl 20 → 17
  • Lvl 50 → 40

Min 25, 66% scale:

  • Lvl 10 → 25
  • Lvl 20 → 25
  • Lvl 50 → 42

Possibly. I’m not sure what the devs would think of this but I’ll keep my eyes on future updates to see where this ship sails.

We need to have split screen for towns because it’s just too much of a hassle not being able to split up to run errands.
As for balance I think that’s a lot more important than the forum and reddit masses seem to believe. Build oriented balancing especially, nerf the most overpowered skills in the most overpowered builds.

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↑This↑. Having unique classes, that feels equally strong to play, is top priority. Regardless of what level you are at.