Beta feedback from someone who loooved it

Such a fun game. Honestly. This forum has so many complaints, but, as my partner says, “Some people aren’t happy unless they’re unhappy.” This game has lots to love, and I want to emphasize that I really feel Blizz did their best to marry the D2 and D3 crowd, and though the result might not be perfect, I can see the genuine effort, and i’m so appreciative!

I love the darker tones, less cartoony aesthetics. I love that the combat “feels slower.” I found myself actually being conscientious and making purposeful movements, rather than stacking Heal On Hit and just bulldozing. I found myself stopping to stare at the environments and graphics, though i’m aware they may even be slightly better at release!
I loved the skills and abilities… I leveled 3 sorcerers to 20+. And I’m really excited to dig into the druid! I’m also extremely thankful that yall saw the queue issues and remedied them pretty expeditiously. I was able to get in around 9pm Friday, and i played all night, all day Saturday, and Sunday with only 1 disconnect. I don’t know if I was extremely lucky, but anecdotally i feel most people didn’t have issues after Friday!

I only have a few grievances with my beta experience. And i acknowledge they’re mostly preferential and subjective!

  1. I’m sure this is a known issue, but my couch co-op wasn’t working. Not even on Sunday. I’d press start on player 2 to join, and then either nothing would happen, or - sometimes - it would ask me to create a character. I would, and then nothing would happen, lol. Both accounts are tied to a, etc., so i don’t feel the problem was me-side.

  2. Item comparison (especially staves vs wand / focus) could be a tad more seamless. I love looking and comparing each stat and really understanding what i’m gaining and losing, but it feels a bit more tedious on sorcerer.

  3. I would love if re-speccing didn’t cost anything. I’m a big fan of flavor, and your spells and skills all have so much flavor! I’m loving them so much more than D3. Especially the Ultimates. D3 allowed us to respec at whim, and those skills weren’t nearly as visually impressive (imo).

  4. Could simply be beta being beta, but i ported to town, salvaged, and then couldn’t use the portal back. That happened twice!

  5. Also the invisible wall bug, lol. My partner and I got a lot of laughs and jokes from it, but it is quite tedious.

  6. I love the new transmog system; HOWEVER when i tried to transmog my wand and focus to the “unequipped” look, the model would reflect thusly, but then when we left the screen, i’d have both the focus and wand back. Same for staff. And we tried this a few times, always ensuring we saved. So your “unequipped” looks weren’t looking for me. (Which makes me sad, because wands have always struck me as kinda … goofy.)

  7. I know that the more important, key aspects weren’t in this beta. I’m looking forward to seeing them :slight_smile: Those definitely help make the builds shine, and provide a lot of fun in experimentation. In the meantime, the aspects provided felt like a good reward, and I like that there’s a pity system in play from the beginning so that we can start creating builds we enjoy!

  8. For me, there needs to be a menu for stats solely. Explaining what Lucky Hit is (in a layman way lol), allowing us to see what our crit rate is, our crit damage, etc. If that screen exists somewhere, it needs to be easier to find, because I searched and couldn’t find it anywhere.

  9. People are so divided on level scaling. For me, I love it. But perhaps a good compromise would be level scaling to a limit. Eg, the first starting area scales up to 10, and then stops. I don’t know how practical that is. But i just tire of people fighting over which way is “better,” lol.

Those were the only things i really noticed, besides some occasional stuttering, which is to be expected.

I’m so, so excited for this game. This is my first summer without an internship or summer classes since 2019. And I intend on pickling myself in Diablo 4.

Pretty sure it’s L stick on PS5 from the character panel, gives a break down of all your stats

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There is also an option to turn on in the options that shows all that information. It was worded something like advanced tool tips.