Beta Feedback for D4 (PS5)

Hey, just wanted to share my thoughts on the recent 2 weekends betas, played about 60 hours across both weekends.

Graphical / UI related:

*HDR is washed out, something is wrong with the black levels. Switching between HDR and SDR can confirm that. Would be nice to be able to enjoy your game with proper black levels in HDR. (PS5 has a console level HDR calibration, maybe make use of that like so many other games do).

  • The “Press up on the d-pad to open wheel” text needs to be gone, we can remember 1 button. It is constantly on the screen which takes away from immersion, also the screen is pretty cluttered already dont need a useless text using screen real-estate.

*Let us be able to move items around in personal tab and stash. I dont know why this isnt implemented, You cant arrange items how you want except the sort all button. I want to be able to arrange gems and certain items how I want in my stash not in the order they go in.
Diablo 2 has a cursor, add something like that here also, let us hover over things with a pointer, maybe make use of the touchpad.

*Center the Hp-Skill-Mana UI to the center, unless theres couch co-op theres no reason for it to be there.

  • Show us HP & Resource values on the screen. Inside or over the Globes. Dont want to have to open the inventory each time I wanna check how much Hp I have or resource.

*Add a toggle to un-cap the framerate. More and more people have 120hz Tvs with VRR now-adays I dont see a reason why you wouldnt add this great feature .

Hopefully in the full game we have various performance mode included with an un-caped frame rate.

Thats all, just wanted to add things that in my personal opinion will make the game greater.

Looking forward for the release.


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