Beta Feedback - Diablo 4 pt.1

(Spam filter caught my initial post, so splitting this up I guess.)

Overall, really like the game, but below are some concerns and points of feedback.

Respec: (top concern) It is important to be able to dynamically respec. For example, I would like to run Barbarian. While in a party, I would like to have party-based talents (party healing shouts) and move those out when I play solo. It seems like that is going to be a problem. In addition, when players find an item for a specific build, but they can’t change their spec to fit that item/build, it is going to be a problem.

Telling players to just re-roll a character (of the same class) doesn’t respect players’ time and re-leveling the same class isn’t fun. This is why in Diablo 2, players would make copies of high level characters with no talents put in. If other players want to restrict themselves to a build, they can decide to never re-spec, but it doesn’t work the other way.

Another thought – if you need to respec a talent earlier in the tree, you often must remove points later in your tree to put some in say a different (second) basic skill. Then you must remove those in your first basic skill you had to then put them back in the skill later in the tree.

I’m worried that high re-spec costs will lead to us as the consumers paying real world money to re-spec our characters or pay for second/third build slots. This would be on top of 70-100$ for the base game, plus battle pass, plus expansions, plus cosmetics…. I don’t have a problem paying for these other services, but please don’t force monetized re-specs.