Beta feedback and legendary drop rates

Hi, not sure where to post the beta feedback, so posting here.

I played the last weekend’s beta for a bit and liked it overall - loved the change to the darker tone which fits Diablo better, loved the story, loved that the gameplay is a tad slower and that the character doesn’t run at the speed of a train, but there are a couple of things which are game-breaking for me and would make me stop playing after two or three weeks after the release if they stay like they were in beta (it already happened to me in D3 which I had been coming back to for a while, but only for short periods, and also in Immortal).

The main thing for me is the legendary drop rates. The first legendary I got in the beta was at around level 10 after two hours of playing - if the drop rate stays like this, I will just get a lot of different legendaries in a week after hitting the max level and there will just be no incentive for me to play further, let alone legendary drops not being exciting at all if they drop so often. Getting a the same legendary, but “Ancient” or whatever, with a 5% stat increase is not something I would be excited about and will not keep me playing the game. Getting a new legendary when I already have 20 of them similar in power will not either. Whereas if gearing the character takes a long while, every drop is exciting, then I might play a lot longer. I don’t know if making players playing longer is what Blizzard is interested in since we already purchased the game, but maybe they are - I have no idea.

Another point of feedback, since I am already providing it, is that the monsters die too easily and in dozens on the harder difficulty of the two available, but the legendary drop rates is what is a little more critical for me as it just removes the reason for playing.

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