Beta Feedback: A few minor issues

Overall, the game feels fantastic. Combat is impactful and focused, the world feels open and alive, the story is immersive, itemization is good, and there are lots of little things that make you say “wow, that’s cool!”

I do have a few minor issues, which I’ve seen echoed by many others.

I personally feel like randomized dungeon layouts are part of the core of Diablo, but if they can’t do that, I’d be fine with more variety.

The skill tree lacks variety. I know there are a lot of legendary powers that alter your skills, but it still feels like we should have two secondary skill options for each primary skill.

The interface needs to be scalable, preferably by individual elements, a map overlay option should be added, and the lag when you mouse over a item shouldn’t be there. The font could also be more gothic, but it’s not a big deal.