Bash Builds Are Going to Hell Now in S5 PTR?

Core skills cost resources or have a cooldown or other such limitation - thus higher damage potential. Basic skills do not, and tend to generate resources. If you can’t understand why that deserves a damage difference, I can’t help you. You can cry “but moooo-oom, WHY???” all you want.

The new sword changes that, so Basic skills have a cost component. Thus, the 300% multiplier. Add a cost? Get some damage. That’s logical; your asinine take that somehow Basic skills that have no cost, generate resources, and attack faster should somehow deal more damage isn’t.

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Hope so, without too much reworking items. Fitting in a new sword isn’t bad but if we gotta re-roll a half dozen things for new tempers that kinda blows

I partially agree with what you said. No need to attack me, by the way. I simply asked you a question. Be cool. Don’t lose yourself.

I do still believe that this basic skill season has introduced more build ideas. I get the logic behind the resource cost, but we can use some more build diversity. There are many cores that provide strong benefit outside the damage itself, such as HotA’s synergy with Paingorger’s Gauntlet, Double Swing can maintain constant berserking, and rogue’s Flurry that provides attack speed bump. These can also justify the resource comsuption.

I am actually glad that now we can have Fury per Second on gears to allow barbs to steal Bruce Banner’s secret: “I’m always angry”

Then do those. But the real truth behind “lack of diversity” isn’t the skills, or even Paragon - the lack of diversity now stems directly from Tempers.

The chief reason there won’t be any true diversity is because Tempers are limited to certain skills. It’s the reason why you are now so focused on Bash when you probably never even looked at it in previous seasons.

Bash temper got nerfed by 80%, but there’s the unique Sword which buffs basic attacks by x4, so that brings the total nerf to 1 - 20% * 4 = 20%.
At the same time, you can use Starless with it, so hmm…not sure if that’s actually net buff, since you do lose Edgemaster.
All in all, not a groundbreaking nerf, imo.
At the same time, with good gear, the resource cost should be manageable.

Almost forgot; there’s the new helm, Crown of Lucion which buffs your dmg by x125%…so, it might actually be a net buff.

Take away something and adds back with the sword

Classic lol.

Now have to look for gear with +fury per sec which scales with %resource regen

You say this as right now in the PTR, streamers playing sorcs are hitting for 100’s of Trillions of damage on single hits, clearing Pit t200. But yes bash hitting for a billion is the issue for you.

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Actually quadrillions of damage. However, I believe that to be a bugged interaction that won’t make it live.

I started with Bash as my HotA barb’s basic in S3. Lol. That was my very first barb that reached lv 100. I think most people were going with lunging strike back then. I just liked bash.

Its a bug with unique helm, not sure why you state this in multiple threads as fact without context but you do you.

I really hate having to go to Rob who I neither like nor respect to find out what’s good and what’s not. Weird thought but shouldn’t everything be some degree of good?

Almost everything is good, but logic in this game is that your build is either hitting in the hundreds of millions per hit or it is trash. Chunking things down by 10-15 million per hit just isn’t good enough for people. Its all big bonks or go home.

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This is so lame if bash no longer works. Blizzard completely disrespecting everyones time by people farming for countless hours on gear only for their gear/build to completely stop functioning or get massively nerfed to the point where it needs to respec and regear. This is one of the main reasons why i hesistate to login to play this game.

Let me just add that D2 never once had this problem but it was a constant issue in d3, very concerning to see the same issues that plagued d3 get circulated in d4.

Clueless dev team.


Still playable with Shard of Verathiel unique sword. Rob has video or shorts on his YouTube channel showing pretty decent damage up to 1kkk IIRC.

what is it about rob that you do not respect him? lol

The real problem is Blizzard let the game end up dictated by multipliers galore like D3, and unless you have a build that takes advantage of that to an insane degree, you end up with boss fights that can take as long solo as a mythic 20 man raid boss in WoW, which given the genre this game is in, turns out to not be very fun.

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Finally got the new sword from a nice person in trade. With the sword and crown with starless skies, etc, it’s pretty good still. The pit is all wacky on ptr but 105 went maybe a minute behind what I’d do on live.


Be great if they could balance all builds to equality instead of making 1 or 2 Godlike then flushing them down the toilet never to be seen again in any relevant form.

It wouldn’t be THAT hard.

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This is on you man. Take that sword for example, it is a 300% multiplier, it is likely to be good for your build, ptr is up, if you want you can go and test it and see if it is good (if you manage to drop it).

Now, if you only believe it is good if someone tell you, you won’t be able to neither understand the build nor how to make a build your own.

Exception to this are the builds that relies on bugs, of course.

How about the entire duping he had his followers / frens do when dupe bug was found out so he could run ubers nonstop helping ruin the entire economy of what was it season 2? He actually had it in a stream that is still up I believe. PPL that encourage duping so they can tag along even if they did not dupe are scum of earth. This is Rob.