Barbs got nerfed pretty hard but I'll still be playing a barb

Dont forget rage of harrogath, too.

But yeah, i might try spinnin.

Hey, maybe even duo spin with a powerful ancient.

Sounds fun af.

It isn’t brought to normal levels. It will underperform now. It does not take a genius to see that Upheaval now will hit harder than HoTA by a wide margin. In an effort to reign in HoTA however, they messed with universal damage that will REALLY hurt already underperforming builds that have not gotten buffed to offset these nerfs.

Crit Chance is completely worthless if you have Red Ring for HoTA. Furious HoTA is what made the damage scaling nutty. They could have easily flattened the damage bonus of HoTA to not scale with Fury but work differently and it be ok.

Except Necro who never used it.

Rage of Harrogath has nothing on the new Tyrael’s Might. Spinning while procing a screen clearing AoE attack? It’s not only got good defense but a passive offense boost with the archery shrine effect. Rage of Harrogath only provides reduced CD which I think can be solved easy with masterworking mega procs. That chest piece is essentially dead.

It’s good they bring down barb to more inline with another class.
The class is crazy OP to the point i had stopped playing the class bcuz it’s too strong and it’s not fun.

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If youre playing OP hota, youll take the violent node now (the 30% damage one) which pairs with red furor.

Biggest nerf to everything is bloodrage, but its fine. Our stats are getting buffed and theres a bunch of buffs.

But yes, barbs wont be 1 shotting the universe anymore.

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Where did you getTyraels might will be that OP? The description im seeing doesnt make it out to be that high dmg.

Rage of harrogath is basically godlike now for CDR (shouts, ultimates, etc.), so unless tyraels is blatantly OP, it aint dead at all.


That’s what worries me, My good hit’s are in the 20-30 mil range, most are sub 10 mil, and the average hit is less than 1 mil, so I will be basically gutted. Right now I can kill Varshan, BofI, etc, in about 20 seconds. Duriel takes me maybe 30 seconds and Malphas in a minute or 2 so it’s a viable build and works great IMO, and inline with what other characters in the game do. I just hate to end up having to use a build guide just to get decent damage again.

Yeah I feel you.

Youll definitely feel the drop in power, its massive.

Upheaval time lol

A year later and still no whirlwind buff and now our yells have less cooldown but at least druid gets yells also so it’s lookin like a landslide yell build next season and a dash of incinerate maybe

They buffed tornados by like 10x +, youll be farting the twice as fast now and even your shouts will fart nados.

WW and dswing will be tornado machine guns. Its an insane buff.

x30% Damage for 5 seconds after an OP with HoTA is bad. Red Ring is a no-brainer and super easy to get so Furious HoTA is a dumb change. Until they fix Overpower sources all being consumed from a single Skill, it will be wonky.

I do not play HoTA since S1. Played Bleed this Season and DB/WA in S2. Bleed looks interesting but it is pretty clear that a WA DS/WW Tornado Build is going to be Meta.

I’ve played a barb each season, nerfs aren’t going to stop me now :slight_smile: We will see how hard the nerf stick hit.

Hota dmg got gutted.

Thats the point. Its probably a 90% dmg reduction on the biggest hits.

If you compare to what it is now, its alway going to be terribad.

Compared to everything else? It will still be very strong.

Rage of Harrogath has always been an optional take as you never needed it with the right gear and stats. If you get fury cost reduction on your neck, fury generation on both rings, and shouts generate fury aspect, you essentially don’t need Rage of Harrogath at all. This is taking into account you have at least 2 shouts in your build.

The best chest piece currently for WW barbs is a legendary chest with numbing wrath aspect, total armor %, maximum life, reduced damage from close, reduced damage from bleeding.

Tyrael’s Might provides a solid increase to elemental resistances so it is possible to forgo a resistance stat on boots and add total armor % (if the devs open the affixes up like they say they will in S4), fury cost reduction, or additional movement speed on elite kill.

It also has a solid flat 10% damage reduction which is pretty good.

The biggest benefit is its archery shrine effect which has a chance to proc from skills when you are at full life. This is easily done with Temerity but can also be done by taking the new life per hit affix along with putting skill points into regaining health after spending fury.

As far as how the archery shrine effect on Tyrael’s Might procs and what makes it stronger or weaker will need testing. Even if it is a flat damage amount, it still provides passive damage output while spinning to win.

Far superior to Rage of Harrogath. Blizzard just needs to take that unique chest piece back to the drawing board and make it more useful. With new itemization and crafting, it’s a dead unique.

I’m thinking is with no longer needing ancients on your bar to trigger that aspect a WW/upheaval build that can keep spawning the now buffed ancients coupled with tornados flying out everywhere could be a lot of fun.

Critical chance on Hota is… something. No longer need Red Fuvor. This will open up a aspect slot.
Unbridled Rage at 100% might be too harsh. Three of the key passives are just the same damage output now. If anything just give the other two key passives utility along side damage. Like giving Walking Arsenal Unstoppable when three buffs are up.
Rupture gurantee overpower is interesting. I guess blizzard really want players to use Rupture with Gushing Wounds.

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I think people really under estimate how Multiplied Dmg works

The PTR is a huge nerf to almost all barb builds currently, some of it was needed but once we all get in and test I think people are gonna realize barb just got a bus backed over them.

I dont use HOTA but my Basic Attack build takes a hit even, decent one at that with current PTR notes.

I always play a bleed build (rend + rapture etc) and will do so again! It looks like they buffed both of those skills.

I’m holding out to see how it actually all comes together when the ptr is released. If the nerf is too much they’ll probably recalibrate when the season officially launches.