Barbarian in Diablo 4

Hey ,
first of all as a first impression i think D4 felt great , and i do believe it is very promising as for the closed beta atm.
I kinda liked the simplicity of the play through, the visuals and the cinematics and voice acting.
Beside hoping the endgame wont be too repetitive so this game will be enjoyable for a long time i am very optimistic about the lunch.

BUT. This post is about the Barbarian.
the barbarian feels like crap. no shortcuts.
when half the mobs in the game are designed to run away even tho they are already ranged…
including the boss fight to kill the spawned demons connected with blood right before the end of the first arc was the worst fight i have had in any diablo game so far.
overall the barbarian feels very underwhelming and while playing with rouge and sorc after , both felt much better and i have felt i have wasted the first day of the beta playing barb which i wont touch again even tho in most games i am a warrior class.
fighting ranged mobs which designed to run away while you need to avoid pools of crap and explosions and laser like traps felt so bad, so unenjoyable as a mechanic in a game that even tho warriors are my favorite class in any rpg game , i wont be playing them when diablo4 will lunch.

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So i figured id use the last bit of the beta to try out barbarian since its so polarizing
I can see why it is, but i think it’s REALLY cool so much thinking and micromanaging about the character’s gear and stats way more so than the other classes.

i bet they’re going to scale like drugged up apes in the endgame though.

I think it’s pretty funny. Barb players are more obsessed with plus minusing every minute detail about their character more so than other players from what I’ve seen in D3 and here they just give you WAY more to work with. Different weapon levels, buff interactions with weapon swappings, different options for each weapon used in certain abilities if you like min/maxing it’s heaven, if you hate it, it must be hell.

Barbarian feels great, but it comes with the caveat that if you’re going to play Barb, you’re going to have to tediously min max every single slot of your gear. It takes a lot more effort and thinking to equip a Barbarian right so that once combat starts you’ll thrive.

But the flip side is that Barbarian combat is really simple compared to Rogue combat. All of the thinking you do ahead of time.

It’s an interesting approach, but I like what they are doing. Makes Barbs feel different while still being VERY strong classes in the right hands.

Barb personally feels much more complex than I want to deal with, but I have great hopes for the werewolf druid.

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Barb honestly feels like it has a major payoff. I put most of the weekend into a barb, and what I have to show is a very powerful bleed build that kills bosses in 10 seconds or less. Even bosses that move around a ton, it can keep up with. Only skill I use for mobility is leap. Other than that it’s just dodging. I feel like barb might take the most investment, but has a lot of satisfaction when you get the payoff.

heh I made the build for rend , crit and stun on bleeding, my gear was absolute bunkers to the end. And it is insane, I 1 shot everything , bosses included so I see no issue here,