Barbarian Feedback

  • I’m enjoying the beta overall and there are some systems things I would like to have like the transparent map system from every other Diablo game but that’s neither here nor there this is about the Barbarian. Overall enjoying the class and I have been lucky as I am only level 15 and have gotten 3 legendries 2 of which have been great since they effect skills I use. The Earthstrikers Dread Mace feel fairly impactful with my upheaval build and I enjoy that you can upgrade them a few times and keep them generally relevant for the lower level experience. I don’t generally feel resource starved and since I open my engagements with Lunging Strike I don’t feel as slow(until I get something that increases my speed). I don’t feel generally resource starved but there have been a few bosses that involved significant kiting due to ground effects that were very unreadable such as the webs thrown out by spider boss in one of the dungeons.

  • If I had one slight nitpick its that since we use the mouse to move I do occasionally lose my mouse cursor in the chaos and can miss some upheaval shots which doesn’t feel great. I think maybe since the ability has a windup if they could implement a low intrusiveness template for the direction of the ability so we can adjust swiftly and not waste resources. Thats about all I got for now, I might update once I have more game time in. You all have a good weakened and Beta.

-Update Post Beta Act 1 and Level 24 -Well having made it to the end of Act 1 and level 24 I can say that I do find the Barbarian still but there does seem to be a distinct issue(no idea if this is the same for other classes) but depending on what boss you fight via a dungeon or Act boss I was forced to respec multiple times. This would not bother me as much but considering the cost of repecing is so much if felt like I was being punished for trying to experiment and find something that works. This doesn’t even hit on the issue I see with it making players(at least Bard as far as I know) play with abilities and kits that are just objectively better in most situations as apposed to kits that though not as efficient you enjoy the flow of combat more. I got stuck on Den Mother a dungeon boss first, had to spec for survivability via several shouts and using a bleed build that even on youtube was called ‘overpowered’ and I can kinda see the argument. I hope some adjustments are made to Barb because they do feel pretty squishy unless you have the right skill to limit or heal damage.

  • I played around alot with the power extraction system for legendries and do like the system as it let me keep around perks for the entirety of the Beta that worked well for me. Will say thought the gold costs of this system also see incredibly counterproductive, you already have the legendary power and have to use resources from recycled gear anyway so I think they should look at keeping the gold costs of the various services lower if only for the campaign portion of the game so players can play around with things they like before reaching endgame and what I can only assume is the ‘grind’ part of any diablo game.

  • Overall by the end Bardarian feels fun until you fight a boss that just totally hard blocks your ability to proceed with your current build. I have heard other players and even streamers make similar remark for specifically Barb so I don’t think its just a me issue and might be worth the dev time to take a look at the the cost of things if they plan to stay with this system and style of progress. I think the Barbarian is one of those weird cases where most of your enemies at least in act one are melee and Barb doesn’t have the luxury of a range combat approach so your always taking some degree of damage that your kits has to be set up around(you almost need a mitigation of periodic heal unless there are items that provide leech…which I found none so far)

-Thank you all for reading if you made it this far, I’ll try to play the next beta because I really wanna try Necro since its one of my all time favorite classes(I like pet classes) and hope you al have a wonderful day.

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can you break this up into paragraphs? Easier on the eyes that way :slight_smile:

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Apologies I don’t usually post long form on forums.

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one thing that was interesting to try and manage was the build I wanted to play, and the build i was kind of forced into playing. I wanted to make a frenzy-kick barb and ultimately couldn’t fight boss fights with my style, ended up having to switch to a bleed-rend build in order to continue. I’m wondering if I’ll be able to make builds the way I want in the future or if I’ll kind of be pigeonholed into “best builds”


Yeah I ran into this issue on a dungeon boss had to respec twice I think Blizz will need to rethink the amounts of gold people need to spend to respec if this if going to be a common situation for the average player.