Barb is now on par with Necro, Druid, and Rogue for Season 1?

more like they should remove Barber


Just like the last 10x times the barb actually had something good, that was competing with the other classes, it has been nerfed. Now this sound like they again didn’t balance the berserk ripping aspect correctly. Let’s see how the next few days will play out…


Because a full maxed out boring build is now actually able to kill her you ask if barb is on pair? Are you on crack bro?
U know 99,99% of the game is everything but lvl 100 maxed out uber lilith?


Its bugged. Barb isnt magically fixed.


No, posts like this is why barb keeps getting the nerf bat.


Necro, druid and rogue will go back to their old lives and 1 shot stuff. Barb and sorc will stare at their hands and wonder what are they left with in life.

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Yea, once this Season is over, Barbs will be Barbs again.

I hear it’s a bug so I’m assuming this will be fixed.

If it isn’t a bug the Barb will probably get nerfed again.

It’s funny how people can’t help but brag and show off only to get nerfed.


They will when the season is over. Just as planned.

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Yea, once the Season is over, Barb will return to the normal realm, while Necros, Druids, and Rogues are still up in the Hell realm

I got into world 4 solo at 59. Easiest Elias fight ive ever had on any class. Jumped into helltide, monsters 18 levels higher than me. other than getting 1 shotted by fallen lunatics it’s really no problem at all. Little squishy obviously but damage is there. I think i did it 56 on rogue and 58 necro but actually PLAYING in world 4 is easier on barb. I don’t have to be picky about what he does like I did with the other 2.

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Yea Barb is fun again right now, until the next nerf haha

Barb is the most braindead class in the game after the changes. Sad that Blizz catered to the casual 40 yo gamer dads and destroyed my class.

I mean barbs were fine before the patch a few days ago for us horrible 37 year old gamer dads too…

My Incinerate Sorc is blasting through everything. Very smooth gameplay, very tanky, and very fun to obliterate all content.

Yah Barb has a bugged build you can use to trivialize the game and make all achievements meaningless.

Barbs have a build on par with bone spear nerf nerf nerf!

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Well they just said on twitter the next patch 1.1.2 is coming out really soon with bug fixes. Think Berserk Ripping will survive? lol

100% gets gutted. Will likely introduce another bug that renders it useless, again, and that will be fine for them. If our stuff doesn’t work, it’s fine. If it works decently, nerfed, and if it works well: dedded.

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If you try it without barber it’s not OP at all. They should leave it be.