WW Barb, Trampleslide Druid, and Poison Imbue TB Rogue at 100:
The armor nerf is definitely felt. Survivability down on all three characters
Helltide cinder nerf feels bad but will likely be fixed S1 with higher density or revert
Damage is down because all my builds (like most) are crit/vuln based but I expect it might balance with other stat priorities and the 25% bonuses
WW Barb
Nerfs felt the hardest here. Damage is down and much squishier.
Gohr changes didn’t feel like enough. Unless density increases tremendously in NM dungeons I can’t see them being worth it. Note the 2 second cast doesn’t break WW though.
Cooldown reduction nerf didn’t seem to affect shout uptime all that much.
Damage nerf didn’t hit as hard. Survivability way down.
Cooldown nerf changes seemed to be offset by Claw attack speed increase with Crone Staff for my trample reset
Rogue: Uber Lilith Only (One-Cycle)
Swap points from siphoning strike to something else - Not worth it
Defenses were lowered and her normal attacks hurt worse. Potions needed more often.
Phase 1 and 2 stagger seemed to take slightly longer.
Damage seemed greatly increased…Either her health was decreased or the changes made this rogue build stronger. She was much easier to get to P2 in one cycle.
All-in-all she felt much easier and I was able to down her in a few attempts.
Fair - I didn’t really use the rogue for anything but Uber Lilith but even on her I felt how awful siphoning strike nerf was with only 1-2 points in it.
I had high hopes for the Gohr’s change for WW with the hit cap change but I think they need to increase the time it procs from 2 to about 4 seconds or scale the damage up some.
HOTA was hammered into the ground with the quake “fix”.
Upheaval buffs are nice if they would make the Hellhammer more useful.
FWIW I didn’t notice much with my lvl 75 landslide druid. Overland WT4 was the same, and I tested out a lvl 21 (max I’ve gone since they drop) NMD and didn’t notice too much of a difference there as well.
I only tested in a few NM-50ish dungeons and the damage didn’t feel off by much. Slightly less. Survivability took a big hit but overall trampleslide still felt pretty fun.
That’s good to hear. I already found the Helltides painfully boring. One level higher, better density, and hopefully more souls per Mysterious chest might alleviate the cost increase.
My WW Barb is using the 1H variant. Overall a slight damage nerf to normal attacks, offset with Gohr’s doing big procs every 2 seconds. Damage actually seems higher now. Survivability down a bit, but not super notable.
For reference, I am level 87 and running T50-60 NM dungeons. My clear speed didn’t change much. Hamstring change isn’t felt at all, as it still applies when monsters are first hit and they all die well before the slow would ever run out.