Baldur’s Gate 3 is amazing!

Yeah, I thought the same way until I played this game. This one is completely different and has a better turn-based game than most other games. The same way how Persona 5 was my only favorite Jrpg that exists. I refuse to play other JRPGs because of the turn base nature besides Persona. It is how you make the game can attract. You may not like the turn base but the Role Play is on another level. You can avoid most fights, find secrets you would miss in the first playthrough, or use the environment against the enemy.

Steam policy is if you pre-order a game and don’t like it, you can get a refund up until the you play two hours after the game is fully released. There is no risk in trying it.

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BG3 is the new standard, D4 should have been on the same level or better.

Yep. I highly recommend it.

You absolutely can get many hours out of the alpha access and it’s good to know that you won’t be ‘spoiling’ the release version, because the game is so much bigger than is in the alpha and even the area that is in the alpha is much changed and expanded in the release version, apparently.

It is not an ARPG, however. It is essentially a table-top D&D campaign with the computer as the dungeon master. Well, it’s more sophisticated than that, but I mean, as opposed to a single-player action RPG.

But a good game is a good game and BG3 is a very good game even from the alpha (and the release version looks suitably higher quality).

I also recommend Larian’s previous game Divinity Original Sin 2. BG3 is based on the same engine, though BG3 is D&D rules. Things like the excellent and innovative environment interaction system you see in BG3 was developed for DoS.

The druid can shapeshift into a few different things. Not sure on wolf… definitely bear… (checks internet)… looks like a no at the moment, but there are modders already champing at the bit and Larian love modders, so who knows what the future holds?!

To be fair it truly is. It’s amazing. I played it early access straight away when it came out.
Now i’ve waited until the completed version to play what might be the best game of the century.

BG3? The PS5 release is like three weeks after the PC release. They would have been the same, but they actually moved up the PC release because it was going to be ready earlier.

And plans are to release on XBOX as well at some point.

There are more constraints on console development where you have to go through the console manufacturer’s QA requirements etc. and it’s less viable to release a patch every day if you want to unlike on the PC where you control everything from end to end.

Great to know. Didn’t do early access and wasn’t aware it is launching soon. This and Jagged Alliance 3 are were I see myself going for my D4 break.

Did try the season, but being forced to repeat content at a slower pace makes it feel too much like work. XP should be boosted significantly under level 60 and we should not have to repeat side quest/dungeons again for renown.

To the devs, the way to make people play longer is to have them enjoy the game. Rolling alts is something people like to do since you can usually blast through the early game much faster, in roughly an hour with powerleveling to get to the meat of the game. Griding again to get to the grind is not fun and makes people want to play less…

hard past, no amount of story can make up for the dog poo mechanic known as turn base. if I want to play rpg, there r those out there suit my taste coming in a month or two like starfield.

Anyone coming from D4 would be happy with a working game of Pong at this point.

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Okay, cool. Zero rush though.

I’ll probably play it after I’m done with D4 S1.

Combat suck btw, the only turn off

I’ve heard only good thing about the game too. Only two things are keeping me from trying it. One is the D&D mechanic of having to throw a dice every time you take an action. I understand why it was done this way but it’s incredibly immersion breaking for me to have to roll a dice every time I want to throw a fireball, lol. And the other is the inability to customize character outfits. I understand the studio behind the game has never had any form of transmog is any of the games they’ve made.

Happy you’re having fun. I’m not into turn based games that much though, BG3 and D4 aren’t really comparable.

no one cares how you feel, if you like another game then go play that game. low effort posts like this should be deleted

Yea agree.
1 game is a fun and has good devs (bg3)
1 game is a mindless and boring slog with trash devs (d4)

Uhhh uhhh uhhh ihhhh ihhh

It’s an anomaly that the game is good and shouldn’t be expected!!!


-Every other developer

1 commenter with a trash low effort comment (you)

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Not false however lol

“wow billiards are pretty cool. so much better than hockey!”

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