Baldur’s Gate 3 is amazing!

“wow billiards are pretty cool. so much better than hockey!”

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The only having access to the first acts worries me as thats what blizzard did to hide their dog sh*t end game…but now that i wont be coming back to D4 anytime soon i guess its worth a try. Was hoping for some good news at the campfire chat but negative.

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I also plan on playing BG3, as I loved DOS2 and am a fan of D&D 5e, more or less.
Very different genre, though. Can’t compare them in any meaningful way, IMO.

A word of caution, though. It took Larian a long time to fix both Divinity Original Sin games. Both were pretty broken on release, largely because the mid and end game’s were not beta tested nearly enough.
Sounds like BG3 could have the same problem.

Like all AAA games, wait a few months to a year before buying. I mean, of all of you ranting about how much D4 sucks, you’d HOPE you’ve learned that lesson.

I wonder how many balance patches BG3 will have in its first two months and how it will effect the players playing…


IDK. I mean yeah end game is a slog but everything up until that point is pretty good bar some really dumb plot implementation.

Unless you’re a sorc. Then you get nothing but the shaft.

I mained barb so im right there with sorc. Pretty much the worst 2 classes by a long shot :frowning:

Atleast sorc can actually kill uber lilith without taking 45m xD.

They’re already planning on buffing barb on day 1 as a response to BG3 release.

… and by buff I mean nerf, because Blizz likes to say one thing and do another.

Barb was smashing content brutally with WW and after that bug was fixed then it was HOTA.

You’re not even remotely comparable to the absolute crap storm that Blizzard put the Sorc class through lol.

You do know that sorc can beat uber lilith currently but the best barb player struggled to get her to p2 right?

I mean day 1 to now sure barb was hands down better. As is now they are very close to each other. Point is they are both in dire need of buffs/reworks.

Mhm, given how the new patch has been out for basically 1.5 days…

Press X to doubt. I think you need to go touch grass for a bit, then contemplate that while barbs aren’t in a great spot atm (mostly due to bugs) they’re far from the worst class currently. Very far.

Go touch grass? Its a discussion. What are you 5? Wow dude lol.

Thats a pathetic way to respond lol, but children /shrug.

Sorry I just don’t respect victim mentality followed by fantasy claims. What did you expect? For someone to lap that diarrhea pool up and ask for 2nds?

If you say insane stuff people are likely to ignore you or call you out. Don’t like it? Communicate without malicious hyperbole.

Thanks for listening to my TEDTalk.

Ehh your opinions and words are meangless anyway.
When you have a chip on your shoulder like you do.

Kinda funny as i said BOTH need a buff. However your mad cus i suggest barb needs one too? Maybe you need to go touch a woman?

Exactly my point. You need an attitude adjustment.

Your the one who came at me with attitude when i literally said both needed a buff?

Like what are you even arguing? Bit hypocritical actually lol.

"Sorry I just don’t respect victim mentality followed by fantasy claims. What did you expect? For someone to lap that diarrhea pool up and ask for 2nds?

If you say insane stuff people are likely to ignore you or call you out. Don’t like it? Communicate without malicious hyperbole.

Thanks for listening to my TEDTalk"

Funny how you started being malicious first huh?

Thats how you respond when all i said was both needed a buff, and I have an attitude problem? Yea sure…

This is what you responded to “I mained barb so im right there with sorc. Pretty much the worst 2 classes by a long shot :frowning:

Yea your attitude is cancerous. Since logic seems too hard for you ill Reiterate “both sorcerer and barbarian currently need a buff”.

Also fyi barb in its prime was nowhere near the level bonespear or rogue were, unless you count bugs which needed fixing. So idk why you got so angry for no reason, and less why YOU decided to randomly become a hostile pos. Kids these days…

Also sure the patch has been only out for 1.5 days. Thats enough time for ppl to test the classes on eternal realm. While the season hearts are strong, they wont change fundamental issues with classes. Heck i even said up till now sorc was in a way worse spot. However you missed that i suppose…
Maybe if you weren’t throwing a temper tantrum and actually read the post.

Looking forward to it.

My original plan is to put a lot of time on the first 2 weeks on D4 S1 and then switch focus to BG3 when it release. Now, I just call a pause on D4 and waiting for it.

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I’m going to try it, currently looking at the Paladin class to see which direction I’ll go. It’s going to take me a chunk of time to learn as I’m a total noob, I installed the original back in the day, bunches of cd’s etc and never really got into it, so no telling.

I’m told the game can be hard, so we’ll see how my potato of a Paladin does.

I won’t lie, I am excited.

I remember playing through act 1 years back and thinking “How the actual hell is this game so deep? This is absolutley nuts.”

It’s still absolutely nuts. I still can scarcely believe what a time we’re in for.

Totally agree. It really is that good.

i mean back in the day of my amiga 500 pools of radiance was fun. I’m looking forward to playing bg3. I hope Boo is in it.