Baldur’s Gate 3 is amazing!

Go finish it now :P.

Baldur’s gate 3 main story alone i think they said would be like 90 hours. Crazy awesome.

Plus druid bear sax.

I loved Buldur’s Gate one. Definitely give it a shot.

Bro you are being short sighted on this, I assure you bg3’s combat doesn’t lack in any way and is just as satisfying, if not more, as Disappointment 4. Even tho it’s turn based the intensity is there. Not to mention its cutscenes alone are 10 times the length of the entire campaign of disappointment 4. Just try it on steam for like an hour, if you don’t like it you can refund. Just don’t go over the 4 hour mark


not gonna bother, turn base game r not my type. I prefer game with more live action oriented and fast pace. star field and mass effect suit my taste for rpg, turn base rpg r too ancient.

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you think the people who are unsatisfied with D4 due to lack of monster density, lack of mmo aspect, is going to go in a turn based single player and be happy ??? :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


This game was so good from the go in early access. I put 60 hours into this game in 2017. I can’t wait to get the full game.

are you able to play half-orc and dragon born in the early access ?

No I think those will be available at launch

I was gonna say probably last one i played was Xcom lol - which i did enjoy -

I do like chess - and have done the ultimate nerd adventure and done actual D&D with some buddies IRL - so maybe i’d like it… i dunno - still on the fence - ill check if i can watch any streams on twitch

i will have to wait at launch half-orc polearm master sentinel

I wish I could play it. Isn’t it turn based though? I’m not a massive fan of those games. It does looks amazing visually though.

If you played actual dnd (which is absolutely fantastic btw) you would like bg3.

It plays just like a dnd campaign. It really will be the best game to come out in years.

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I grew up playing Pokémon so I don’t have an issue with turn based, also this game isn’t lacking any action or visual effects. Bg3 is probably the ultimate turn based rpg, best in its class for sure.

my issue is that i fear it’s going to play like their divinity games which i did not enjoy. (i’m a big dragon age fan though)

Bro the game is good, that’s all u need to know

Its a completely different genre of game. It’s not a good replacement for Diablo at all.

It plays like dnd 5e which plays exactly like divinity original sin series.

So if you didn’t like divinity, you may not like this. This gameplay is superior to divinity but still very similar.

i hope they have cavalier class to sub with polearm fighter

ok thx

i found it comical how all these dev studio devs were actually like - HEY DONT hold us to the same standard Larian is doing with BG3 - i found that comical

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Time is the currency you use to play games. Would you rather fill your time playing a trash souless game or fill your time playing literally anything better?