As a diablo fan, I think I speak for all of us

Do not agree.
But they should have nerfed more and faster, and with a tad better balance.
A long term game where people one shot late superbosses and walz through Tier 100 dungeons in a couple of weeks is up to a very bad start. They need a gradual powercreep but where do you go from there?

Worst Diablo patch in my opinion: Diablo 3, 1.02c, “The real-money auction house is now live”

This aged poorly, and you definitely didn’t speak for all of us.

Why are you replying to a thread that hasn’t had any activity for 16 days. I’ll speak for everyone when I say never do that again.

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I love this post…because it starts with literally the worst statement you could think of to open up a post lol. It’s almost as if it was written to get hate

the sorc nerf was the most ridiculous thing ever indeed.

OMG! A wHoLe 16 dAyS!?! FOH you limp sissy.

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this made me laugh so hard XD

Regardless of whether or not I could agree with the content of your post, you do not speak for me.

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The Diablo franchise is dead. The former Blizzard as we all grew up with is dead. D4 is pitiful, easily one of the worst designed games of all time.

This is Lilith 1.0 made by Blizzard 3.0 (Blizzard 2.0 made D3).



I am really happy with this patch! Blizzard is doing an amazing job and i hope that they keep on doing it!

Strong Independent Femalablo 1.0

I feel like a absolute fool for preordering this game for 100$ or whatever it was. The campaign was great however everything afterwards is forgettable and lackluster. I cannot fathom why they gatekeep uniques. Obviously they should have a low drop rate but I don’t know anyone that has seen one and I ask around in helltide/ NM farming groups all the time. Who benefits exactly from this exclusivity??? Hell even if you’re lucky enough to get one in 3 months tops its gone because of the new season??? Diablo 4 has been handled so badly that I’ve cancelled my wow classic sub as well… The mismanagement, extreme lack of content, and totally off the cuff changes they make removes all faith I once had in Blizzard.

TLDR: One step forward, 10 steps backwards (being generous)

These forums are haunted by the most toxic people I have ever seen in a gaming community. This game sucks. The seasons cannot be completed by solo players like me… I know there is 1000 toxic replies on the way. Let em rip. /uninstall Diablo IV - no…wait… /uninstall Battlenet. Screw this toxic sh*thole…

Very disappointed in Blizzard with this one…

I cant even bring myself to play the game anymore so might as well travel the forums to get my monies worth.


Schmuck, you speak for yourself. Don’t drag me into your little hissy fit.

That is the true end game meta.


Sem sombra de duvidas, é o pior patch que já joguei, no D3 joguei todas as temporadas, e era legal pois era leve, rapidamente se chegava ao lvl 70, depois você ia farmar itens bons, bom dano, muita coisa para fazer… com esse patch de D4 eu e mais 4 amigos paramos, está lento demais, chato demais, itens lendários ruins, builds fracas… se pudesse pediria meu dinheiro de volta!


True that. My sorc has a bunch of uniques in stash, none worth equipping though as I’m playing a chain lightning build


정말죄송합니다 주제와 상관 없는데 제가 시각장애인인데요 아무리 고객지원 문의하기를 눌러서 이것저것 해봐도 자꾸 계정 문제 선택만 되고 접수가 안되서 적어봅니다
안녕하세요저는 디아블로4를 재미잇게 하고 잇는 시각장애인입니다. 저는컨트롤러를 사용 하고 있었는데 이번에 키보드로 방향키까지 사용 할 수 있어서 좋앗습니다 다만 메뉴나 아이템창 그리고 상점창같은게 띄워졌을경우에도 키보드 방향키나 다른 동작을 할수 잇게 해주세요 확인하려 할때마다 컨트롤러 쓰고 키보드 쓰고 해야 되서 힘드네요 키보드로만 하니 좋앗습니다. 키보드로만 모두 이용 할 수 있게 만들어주세요 혹시 화면읽어주기 음성은 자체 개발 하셔서 따로 고를수 있게 해주실수는 업나요 이렇게 장애인도 할 수 잇게 손쉬운 사용을 개발해 주셔서 감사합니다