Overall, pretty decent patch notes. More positives than negatives! Great Work. Season looks promising

Overall, I feel like the patch notes where pretty solid. Tons of positives to take away from these adjustments. Some of the changes may feel bad but where direly needed for the health and sustainability of the game. For example; nerfing Vuln on crossbows by 65% and Crit dmg on swords by 50%, while this may feel bad, it is really good for the game as it brings these down to a more equal level with other items for all builds. Much needed.

Overall, I feel like there is much much more positive things to take from these patch notes than negatives. Great work. This is the first MAJOR patch of the game. If this is the type of response we will be getting from the devs, then the game is headed in a good direction. Give it a few more patches, a couple of seasons of development, and I believe the game will be in a very good position.

Season 1 is looking pretty good at this point. Looking forward to playing other builds and classes.


Troll post detected.


I agree Season 1 is coming and will be fun. I will play Minion Necro :slight_smile:


Yup, your post is it, the troll. Thank you for identifying yourself to the community.

Yeah, necro minion build looks like it could be interesting. The new blood lance aspect and some changes to it looks pretty good. I’m curious what comes of that.

Also, that Lidless wall uber unique, very curious how that will play out.


Honestly, troll or not (and you might be serious), I think that some of these changes were warranted. We needed more build diversity, and to make more affixes “better”, some have to be reduced. This is bound to affect players who stacked only the pre-patch BiS affixes.

However, what they did is that they removed a lot of survivability and gave almost nothing in return. For Sorcerers, for example, they nerfed passives that were too great, but didn’t really increase damage across the board for the underperforming spells. Bringing “good” or overtuned passives down doesn’t exactly make the others more appealing.

As a result, damage is lower and survivability is lower too, and outside of Echo of Lilith fast kill builds, Sorcerer wasn’t even in a decent place to begin with.

Our crappy spells are still crappy, and we still die in one hit.

I really cannot comment on other classes, but I feel that it affects some more than others.


we’re you paid to post this?


Hahahaha I need some of what you’re on because it’s potent af


i really him starting to think the devs are making accounts just to post things like this :rofl:


its an uber unique, so it wont play out at all? nobody will have it, so just treat it as it doesnt exist like the rest of them


Yeah this is pretty much exactly how sorc is atm. Glass cannon but without the cannon.


Listen in all seriousness you might actually feel like this or maybe your just trying to keep a positive outlook or maybe your a positive person in general, maybe your are doing large amounts of copium. But, you cannot say objectively speaking say this is a good patch. Whatever your own individual tastes are, looking at the bigger picture, this is going to cause lots of people to leave the game.

“Give it a few more patches, a couple of seasons of development, and I believe the game will be in a very good position.” Read this slowly… why should we need to wait this long for the game to be good, whatever the position maybe.

Now im not going to go back on fourth with you on this topic because we can both agree that losing players is a bad for the longevity of the game. We just did a vote over on a stream and the vast majority hate this patch with a lot of people saying they are considering not even logging on.


Wrong, it can end up that way in relativeness, but they just nerfed everyones character to not be able to do anything they were just doing yesterday, instead of just adding on harder stuff on the top, extra NM tiers, world tier, something.
SO they could have just buffed everything else, changed bows to critical damage instead of distant, etc.

The nerfs to damage and especially defense are SO bad, (damage can be gotten back by simply finding an entire new set of gear and redoing your entire paragon board in ~100 hours! fun!, defense cant be gotten back).
Its like imagine you are in WOW BC raiding sunwell one day, the next day drops a patch where you cannot even complete Karazan, hows that fun? Why not just do the equivalent of releasing WOTLK?


actually their are more nerf/negatives in the patch then increases


I can’t say much for sorc, but in the general section, almost every class got buffed 25% damage across the board, sorc got a few 40% damage buffs. While losing some defensives. Will this help? I can’t say, not my area of expertise.

For example,

Fire, cold, lightening damage all increased by 25%
Fire damage over time increased 40%

That’s just a couple to list, I’m not totally sure what all applies to sorc, not one of my classes I play.

I feel dumber after reading this.


i stopped here, sorry mate.


Oh a troll that doesn’t understand the game is now playing the whiteknight.

I liked the fact it’s “harder” power leveling other people, but nerfs are always bad news.

Where is the heart break button? Or, the opposite of the heart?

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I mean, if everything balanced out in the end (and I’m pretty sure the buffs to additive stats don’t even compared to the nerf they did to multiplicative stats), it would be okay for seasonal characters as we would all have to get new gear anyway. Thing is, I’m sure that a build with new 4/4 BiS affixes don’t even come close to what it was before.

I agree though that it’s ridiculous for anyone currently playing on the Eternal Realm and make me not want to log in at all. I don’t want to farm new gear to maybe expect to clear whatever NM tier I was clearing a week ago.

What they did was a big nerf, and a small buff to compensate… which doesn’t.

I never said these were the changes we should have gotten. That kind of trade-off between affixes was expected (and should have been there prior to release), and kind of necessary to build out of the critical + vulnerability meta, but they really should have increased these Additive affixes. A +20/+40% to an additive damage won’t even come close to the what we lost with the 40% nerf to vulnerability.