As a 36 year old dad

Honestly, you have to decide where to put your time. Not every game is for everyone. There are plenty of games that are friendly to those that are starved for time. I don’t know you personally, but I suspect that if given the opportunity, you’d bring out the credit card to buy power so you could fulfill your expected gaming experience.

The problem is, the community at large doesn’t want any of that. It ruins the flow and the sense of accomplishment in the game. We’ve been down that road with Diablo 3 and while D3 auction house has been removed, a person can be completely geared up in a few hours to run high level torment rifts (are they still called that, I quit playing D3 years ago)? D3 still offers the rapid power fantasy trips for people that enjoy that particular game style.

From what I have played of D4 so far, it is very enjoyable from a pure gaming standpoint. To play well, you have to move around and apply tactics to be successful. You will have difficulty using the same skills over and over again. The game requires concentration. All things that I love. And I am a time starved player too. I don’t care if it will take me months to progress through the difficulty levels. I will be having fun every step of the way. I likely won’t be taking part of seasons or competitions. I just don’t have that kind of time anymore.

if you disagree with me its probably because youre wrong

sorry just the facts


Yknow, people who believe the Earth is flat like to say the same things you do, and want to be right for the same reasons you want to be. Tell me, do you believe the Earth is flat?


kid going off-road now, knows he got blown out


You said nothing.

Whats the LOL about?

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He thinks he has a “got’em” moment.


you dont need to save builds when only 1 build per class is working well lol


Aww, projection, on a forum?! Better go buy a lotto ticket with how unheard of that is. :clown_face::clown_face:

I have uniques collecting dust bunnies, would be nice to at least theorycraft a build, and let it sit until balance changes occur.

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you know that you can just rejoin the game right?

While I dont think Diablo 4 does any of these better than other games, it does all of the above better than D3.

D4 hopefully did learn from D3. The lesson of not doing what D3 did. Since it was horrible.

Calm down Butcher!

Yes, the length of sessions is much much more important for “casual” gameplay than the overall length of the game. Might take 100s of hours to ‘finish’, but if it can be done in 15 minute bites, it should be fine.
I’d say the most casual unfriendly part of D4 is how world bosses, Helltides etc. are not up at all times, so you can be unlucky and not have them accessible while you are able to play. That should change imo. If they for some reason dont want people to permanently farm Helltides for example, it would be simple to give a debuff after entering one helltide area, where you cant get rewards from the next one, or something.


You forget the story of D4, remember? They cancelled Josh Mosqueira’s version that was like a souls game in what 2016, and then put the rush job on that gave us this game.

Does it seem a bit rushed out the door to you? Lots of space to run around but little to do?

I hope they are reconsidering this in all aspects of the game. I definitely don’t want to search for all the friggin’ statues again every season.

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I bought a friggin ps5 for this. Thas my fault.

  • tfw I shoulda got Switch and the new Zelda game.

As a 36 year old single guy who has time and no kids. Games should NEVER be balanced around having kids and long work hours. Go do something else that dosent piss you off or have fun together with your kids.

Don’t worry my friend.

City Skylines 2 is releasing Oct. 24th!!!

He does not represent the 36 year old dads comunity.

Games need to be balanced around having a life though. Kids or no kids, there ARE other things to do, and most people who have money to spend also have a job.

You dont need to search out Lilith Altars to get power boost (its permanent for Eternal Realm and Season Realm), but they have said you would need to find some Altars for Renown, meaning they kept the worst part of it: getting MAX Renown for Paragon Points.

As it stands tho you will have to redo renown for you final paragon