As a 36 year old dad

No one cares that you are a dad or that you have limited time to play. Keep your sob stories to yourself and learn that what is relevant to your needs may not be the case for the masses.


Takes notes

I am old. Never know when I might need to take you up on that!

Really though you don’t have to do Campaign again for Seasons.

I get that D4 is closer to D2 than D3 is as far as skills, skill trees, progression, etc. For me I like that a lot, but not everyone will.

You are perfectly fine to sit out Season 1 and just play on the Eternal Realm where nothing gets removed. See what you think after there is some actual Season 1 data. I am going to bet there will be a lot of feedback gathered and changes made. Probably why no leaderboards until at least Season 3.


I’m close to your age, but don’t have kids. Didn’t want them. I prioritized other things. Work, my relationships, my woodworking, PC building, motorcycling, and gaming hobbies. I made a choice, and that choice affords me a surplus of time, money, energy, and sleep.

You made the opposite decision. If you wanna game more, work on a time machine, because you’re locked down for 18 years, and games aren’t going to change to accommodate the parent demographic.


He is very young with tender juicy fresh organ meats he offered!

They kind of do. When they are little enough to go to bed early you get lot of evening time. They get a bit older, they help with chores, learn about hobbies and time balance, etc. By the time they are teens they don’t want to see you, unless maybe you are playing a game WITH them instead.

I have 3 cats and a foster kitten instead. Works for me. Except one has a really bad hairball right now and can’t clear it so is miserable.


Account wide doesnt necessarily mean season to season (like aspects) They did say Lilith statues carry over but if you still have to snag them for max renown that would kinda undercut that

Hey Dad, use a TL DR. Out time is important to and we are not going to read your ramblings.

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You are very very young if someone in their 30s is old.


Now you know how D2 players felt when D3 was released.


As someone with limited time (1-2 a night at best) ina similar stage of life.

I like how D4 is designed in the “what to do” regards.

Do I feel like:

  • Knocking off some stuff quick - Helltide & Bounties
  • Have some additional time - Do a few Nightmare Dungeons

Kind of have a 15 minutes or so minute end session to organize my loot and make any changes - BAM done =)

So, yeah… I’m loving it as I always feel like I did something because of how it is broken up

… Just don’t do them if you don’t have the time. In D2R, D3, and will in D4. If the seasons do not interest me I’ll just work on my eternal character (SC or HC). You don’t HAVE to participate in Seasons so the quicker you kind of remove that feel of “I’ve got to!” the better. It took me awhile to break from it as well.

I disagree but we can, obviously, have different viewpoints =)

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I’m a bit older than you, and when jobs and family started to appear, I just started playing less time.

It’s common sense that you’re the one who needs to adapt to your new life circumstances and not pretending that the whole world adapts to you.

That’s selfish, egoistic, and a disrespectful attitude.

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Said all you needed to when you said “if I had a kid”. Dude can play a game here and there and still be a great parent.


Diablo 3 is awful and I do not care for it’s defenders.

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On the bright side, with D4 you will prob have enough time to play to satisfy your fill each night.

As a dad who has grown children in college, you’re whining just to whine.

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As a 36-year-old dad, you shouldn’t be playing video games and should instead be raising your children and maintaining your household.

When was the last time you sat and had an actual conversation with one of your children if they’re able to talk yet?
When was the last time you spent the entire day with your child?
Hell as a 36-year-old dad you shouldn’t even be on these forums!



Nicely done. I await the response.

This game definitely needs a lot of work. It remains to be seen if they’ll invest further into it or if its going the way of OW2 PVE and gets just enough support to keep the cash shop open.

one thing about seasons people aren’t thinking about, the battlepass is gonna be active and on the free track I’m more than sure there are xp boosts so it shouldn’t be as bad. Lilith statues are forever perma but yeah you are gonna have to farm the aspects again from dungeons

As a 31 year old dad, you should know patience. Why does everyone and there uncle feel as if they need to blow through the content like a streamer. If you’re competing on a ladder ok, that’s different, but general play?

Who the hell cares how long it takes you to get to “loot gear x” it def should not be you, and sure as crap not us internet folks. Slow the hell down and enjoy it with what time you do have, its not going anywhere, ffs.

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Ahh yes. Only terrible father’s play video games. Your ignorance is truly astounding. Do the world a favor and keep your mouth shut so your look less like a complete half-wit than you already seem.