Are you not tired of the hate?

I just want to say the amount of hate this game gets is unbelievable. It is truly sad what gaming in 2024 has become. Are you not ashamed of yourselves? Going to the forums with every new patch and crying how awful the game is? This is not even critique anymore, this is just bile and merciless hate-bashing.

Back in the 2000s I can’t remember this amount of rage among gamers. Every comment section, every YouTube video and every topic on the forums is full of anger, there is no place for any discussion anymore. You are with the haters or get ready to be insulted and attacked.

And it’s not just Diablo 4 - people in MOBA games like Overwatch are even worse. Just take a deep breath people and just like Luke Skywalker said “I know there is good in you, let go of your hate.”

You don’t like D4 for what it is? Okay, just quit and go play something else. You like the new Spiritborn class and VoH expansion? Cool, buy it and have fun. It’s that simple.

Oh, and remember you can play more than one ARPG at the time, but keep it a secret. It is not common knowledge.


But I like to complain, and compare and wish for the people to makes games to lose their jobs and I just Love telling other people what to do or how to spend their own money as I believe I can dictate their Life’s Decision, while at the same time have no skill set of my own to make my own gamerambles on…


There are two types of players:

  1. Gamers that want an arpg like D2
  2. Gamers that want an arcade game like D3

It doesnt matter what they do there will always be noise on the fourms. D4 seems to be quite unique. Now thats no way in defense of blizzard releasing a game before it had the required bells and whistles. Had it been in development for an additional year I believe would wouldnt be doing a hard swing into D3/WoW methodology/systems. They however wanted to pat sale figures for the Microsoft sale.


I play all the arpgs. Lasr Epoch, D4, and Poe. Come arrest me i guess


Oh man it’s been like this for 20+ years the d2 forums were full to the brim with hate.

Come to think of it it’s kinda tame compared these days

Wow forums are the same it’s a blizz games phenomenon

Sorry, your not allowed to enjoy multiple games at once, and you just admitted your open minded enjoyment to the public. Your Going to Jale ! :triumph:


Maybe, but now there is a war between D4 and other games. I can’t remember any war between Starcraft or Command & Conquer or whatever lol. People are so emotionally engaged it’s insane.

Yeah, Hate is going strong these days

And it seems to be even worst, whenever D4 does anything =o

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I personally don’t hate it, i just wish it was so much better. I just wish i had more fun with it. I get really bored with it really fast. I’ve never gotten bored with 1, 2 or 3. I’ve finished the campaign and I’ve played every season. Maybe i should just accept that for me I’ve hit a ceiling. Maybe it won’t get to a point where i think it’s going to be so much fun that i can’t put it down and maybe it will. I’m just tired of getting my hopes up over and over and being disappointed.


Are you not tired of the hate?

No I have an infinite amount of hate, I could tank another 50 blizzard products and never run out. Just as you have an infinite amount of blind loyalty for blizzard.
Well that isn’t completely true, everyone begins as you and eventually turns into me. It’s just a matter of where you are on the path of awareness. Enjoy it while it lasts, just remember, the more you love something the more you will hate it when it eventually betrays you.


Yet your still here there’s fine line between hate and passion they sometimes sing the same songs

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But of course, there is balance in all things. With infinite hate there is infinite hope. Hope that one day blizzard will see the error of their ways and return to past glories.
That doesn’t mean that I will support them while they continue to make critical errors. But I will always be around hoping and waiting for the day that changes.


“Can’t we all just get along?” :hamster: :popcorn:

Nope :popcorn::popcorn:

11 charact

Since there is very little repercussion for poor behavior online, it has created and emboldened a generation of entitled keyboard warriors.


Well, that’s not true. I don’t even play this game anymore but I will return for S5 and VoH. It’s a decent game and the Spiritborn looks pretty cool. It’s very far from perfect but it’s not as bad as the haters say and it’s getting better with each season.

Oh, just like 3 was better than 2 and 5 is better than 4? Oh wait…

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5 looks better than 4, indeed. It’s basically the rebalanced 4 with additional content. And the 3rd one? Maybe let’s not talk about it.

Well the good thing is that this is just a video game so it cant betray you.


Yup, it is hard to find actual posts about people TALKING ABOUT THE GAME, just people making rage posts and ‘this game sux l0l’, types of posts get the most replies.