Are Unique weapon drops bugged on Druid?

Legitimately got 4 Barbarian Unique weapons so far. Do Druids ones even exist?

First couple times i was like, ok fine RNG being RNG but this is getting weird.

Also where’s Hellslayer, back in D2 pre 1.09 it was THE Shapeshifting Druid weapon. Would def hit the nostalgia for me if it was in this :stuck_out_tongue:


I have a very similar issue. I’ve gotten like 10 barbarian uniques. But one suggestion that really helped me get uniques was craft and try to use magic find sigils for nightmare dungeons. They really help me farm uniques.

I actually got two last night, waxing gibbous and the crone staff

Got the same unique ring for switching wolf and bear form like 3x already. And two barb weapons.

And one druid helm and armor.

Would love to be able to somehow target unique drops.

Dunno I got 5 scared unique. Suggest world 3 helltides and mysterious box (175 cinders).

skill issue, just get better

I’ve been trying to farm helmet uniques for two viable druid builds - Tempest Roar or Vitaly . I’m level 88 now. No helmet in sight. In the past three days, I have farmed out:

12 barbarian weapons (mostly ancient oath and hellhamer)
2 of the same ring for druid
Butcher’s Cleaver
Storm Wolf pants

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Dang don’t say that, I got that poopdruid ring unique twice last morning I was kinda mad. Want that 24/7 wolf chest real bads

Posting this here because it seems Twitter is the only place we’ll actually get any sort of feedback. Just my opinion, but I’d shelf my druid until they fix this if you’re farming for uniques that you’re missing. Seems like a waste of time if our loot tables are hosed up.


I have over 70 hrs played and only got 1 unique to drop.

I have two. I was excited to use it at first, then I stopped using it because I noticed it broke (not working) some of our paragon glyphs and passives.

it is sort of obnoxious that we have to use a seperate, and annoying, platform to get this sort of information. Especially it saying “Yeah, it’s a known issue” KNOWN TO WHO! All we had until this point is rampant speculation.

Also “working on it” is not very indicative of a timeline

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I’m now level 95. Haven’t dropped a SINGLE Tempest Roar. I have, however, around 20 barb weapons stashed for no reason other than to fuel my frustration

I’m guessing the Barb weapon issue is only on PC, or T4?
I’m on T3 and haven’t had that issue. But, I’m only getting Druid Unique chests, nothing else lol. I’ve tried Whisper chests (don’t even know if they can drop from there), Helltides (the Heavy Weapon chests keep just giving me Rares) and Nightmare Dungeons.
Definitely looks like I’ll be in T4 before getting my head and staff.

(Update: I just got a Barb 2-handed unique weapon, PS5 T3, which i assume was supposed to be my Greatstaff of the Crone that I’ve been trying to find. :face_exhaling:)

I still get everything but if it’s a weapon drop, 95% of the time it seems to be a Barbarian weapon. However, I have gotten bear head/chest and wolf head/chest. Uniques just aren’t exciting at the moment because I think I have 2+ of every barbarian weapon but the level is too high for an alt anyway since im 90s.

I’m going to answer this. No they don’t. and I actually mean that. Druids have no 2h unique weapons except for staves. This is annoying because you think you’re missing out on a druid unique when it happens, but you’re not.

I’ve seen you post this several times and you’re probably right. However, hasn’t Diablo had bad-luck protection since D3? In other words, if you’re not seeing uniques over a stretch of time, the odds you’ll see one eventually increase? I could be wrong, but I recall reading something like that.

If that’s the case, then you can understand why people are frustrated. That “increased” chance to eventually see one is being wasted on some Barbarian Axe they’ll likely never use

Edit: Sorry, meant to reply to Zolmation. Using mobile >_<

Diablo 3 did have bad luck protection eventually added with the RoS expansion. Its yet to be seen that it exists in D4. D4 is lacking in a lot of QoL that Diablo 3 had added over the years so as far as any of us know its anybody’s guess if its there or not.

However recall that the Diablo 3 bad luck protection was never experienced by 99% of the playerbase according to the developers because it was so rare that you would not find a legendary by playing normally.

First the clarification, the timer system that works behind the scenes is meant to be exactly that, behind the scenes. No you can’t afk the system, there are a lot of moving pieces to it and we talked about it extensively before we implemented it to guarantee its not exploitable. At it’s heart Diablo is a game about slaughtering demons and getting random cool rewards. The system that is in place should never be experienced by 99% of the population, it’s there for the 1% who just get really bad random rolls for an excessively long period of time. If we want you to get a legendary every 2 hours, the system basically says “ok it’s been like double/triple that period of time, just help the guy out!”

Going off that, if there is bad luck protection in diablo 4, its almost assuredly not been experienced by anyone who has gotten multiple uniques.