Are triple greaters account bound now?

I was doing a helltide and i popped open a chest and a triple greater wand dropped, since i use the spear of ubergodness i was going to give it away but it says “account bound” and no i didnt equip it or forge it either.

it shouldn’t. unless it’s from a whisper cache and you forgot…

i think you might be confused on where that item came from


i emptied my inventory - carried a person to wt4 on my level 35 sorc (got all ubers so godly) and went right to wt4 helltide outside kshad. i ran around destorying everything i faced (now level 40ish) man that spear is soo uber godly… and popped open 4 chests (so that wand came from a chest or maybe a hellborn spawn)

Well the only items that are bound, is from tree of whisper or from the season caches =o

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And the IW rep. But I don’t think those have GA on them.

I thought goblin items also bind on account? I might be thinking of something else, probably the grim favor caches.

ahhh! this is probably it, i did snip a goblin as i was running around

I think goblin items do as well. Had a really great 2GA unique helmet drop from a goblin. Wouldn’t fit my build, but a buddy doing the meteor build would have loved it. Unfortunately when I tried to give it to him, found it was account bound.

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It’s so ridiculous that any gear ever is account bound. Just make everything bind on equip and end this nonsense Blizzard.

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They can, but seldom do due to the lower amount of items received vs. other sources.

Those aren’t supposed to be account bound either. Only items from any type of “cache” are supposed to be account bound, and those that are modified in any way, including socketing them with a gem.

I’ll have to give this a looksee tonight. If it’s dropping account bound items, then that needs to be filed in the bug report forum. “Drop” sources for loot aren’t supposed to be untradeable.

Sorry if I don’t believe you, but after the last 50 people or so that said something weird like this happened only to come back later and say oops I was wrong, I just can’t.

bob - i can carry you on a fresh 35 sorc if you like to wt4. I have 12/12 shako, 12/12 spear, 12/12 tyraels might and 12/12 starless ring. those 4 items at level 35 on a sorc (or druid) are godly.

i found out that some items drops bugged with account bound already set even if you didn’t touch them. Happened to me couple times, including with uber uniques.

Uber uniques have never been tradeable. Reqular ones that aren’t modified in any way are able to be traded, but not the ubers (now called mythic uniques as of season 5). That isn’t a bug.

No… Why bind on anything… Maybe I wanna use something, and when I get done with it, I can sell it… These restrictions never existed in previous games… You get item/trade for item… You use item… Then when ur done with item, you have something thats worth trading… Idk, seems dumb bind on _____ even exists

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i think this was the big issue with one of the older diablo games. People could just get the “best” gears without putting in any effort except for swipping a credit card and some people were mad that others didnt “earn” the items just bought them with the in game auction house (which is why d4 doesnt have one)

diablo 3 / ROS ?

diablo immortal ?

if you don’t count diablo 1 since it was mostly offline
only diablo 2 didn’t had BOA items

i think it was this one, i say “think” because when i got d3 RoS it wasnt in the game so i cant confirm it was or wasnt.

Diablo Immortal is just pay bliz (they cut out the middle man), you give bliz $10k to make your character “really good”, but you give them $25k to make them very good and 100k to make them godlike and your pvpeer status grows a full inch

item became 100% bound on D3 like few months after the release of D3 , right when they closed AH.

and , it was for SURE fully account bound at ROS release.

as for immortal, it was mostly an extra title to add, to reply to the one that said BOA was never a thing in diablo prior to D4 (which was totally wrong)

but i do agree that immortal is mostly cash grab, which is sad cause the base game wasn’t bad.
it would have been a GREAT mobile game if it wasn’t for the P2W part of it (which is huge sadly)

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