Are triple greaters account bound now?

Issue for who? You? Why are some players so concerned with how others choose to play? Dont want to trade then by all means dont trade. I dont like PVP so I avoid it. I dont whine and cry for it to be removed from the game, I just look the other way. Its not up to you to assume you know how it works

for me? I could careless how people enjoy games. I’m not a pure elitist player. Heck if they added a game genie mode to d4 to make it fun, id be the first one firing that sucker up! lol

Mostly in D2 regardless whether you could trade for most of your gear, you still had to have something “worth” trading for the item you were looking for… I don’t really know much about the credit card aspect of all these games, since back then I was like… 14-18 years old, and I just don’t buy currency.

I think a major issue with D4 is smart loot. It brings a lot less value to the drops. If you think about it, let’s say Barbarian is super popular for the season. Naturally all the barbarians are gonna be geared super fast because that’s all anyone has, is barbarian gear. It’s difficult to trade amongst another barbarian, because they probably need the item you are also trying to trade for…

I’d rather them open up the loot with NO smart loot. If I get some highly desired Druid item, it opens up a lot more avenues for me to trade. It also allows me to build a alt set and gives me a desire to make a new character. But as it is right now, only seeing the gear that my character can use is big big mistake

I think you mean for the game :slight_smile:

If you are looking for “smart” loot, here is a fun trick.

Do the gauntlet (you have to have a level 100 character first or maybe an OP barb can do it at level 50) and score 160k+ points - you will get 4 worthy chests (next tuesday) - if you have multi classes - do the same for each. If you know someone (anyone will do) and do it as a team (you get 4 more).

come tuesday (reset day) - claim those chests and open on the character you want to ‘target’ loot.

It doesnt matter if the character is 40 or 100 (all the gear in those chests will be 925) and someone got an UBER (yes an UBER item).

I just remade a necro to try a different no minions build and did this and ended up with some very nice 925 gears - granted I did open 24 boxes sorc+4, rogue+4, barb+4, necro+4, druid+4 and team(2)+4.

I did not get an uber out of those 24 boxes but my luck sucks so its a given

also - all the loot in these boxes is account bound - so you cant trade it :frowning: which sucks I had a triple great gloves that were very godly but I wont be using