AoZ - Too much health Tier 10+ - Unless you have 3 specific Ubers

eh?! crap you mean i can get an achievement or title for clearing a 10?!? darn it, now i have to load up d4 again… ugh, i must collect all titles and achievements

Off Topic, I apologize, but I consider potentially helping someone more important than …well, just about anything.

Hey Howard - What pieces and stats you looking for?
It’s debatable I’ll ever try Low-Life BL - but I might have pieces, even extras.
Can’t hurt to check.
Lmk item slots and ideal/specific stats and I’ll get back to you.

:speech_balloon: Replying to OP: December 12, 2023

Yep! I agree with you :100: percent! I hit max level 100, got my achievements and rewards and I’m done playing D4 Season 2. And actually season 2 was off to a great start until this epic fail by Blizzard with the awful buggy and grindy AoZ event in D4.

What a way for Blizzard to ruin the end of the month for season 2 in Diablo IV with such an awful, limited, repetitive, boring, buggy, Glyph nerfed, unbalanced classes, lousy gear, grindy, unrewarding game with an event like > AoZ < which is not even worth playing or fun! Very disappointed in Blizzard for another epic disaster fail in Diablo IV! Just bad!

For now, I am thankful for World of Warcraft - WoW! The best, most epic Blizzard game that never gets old or boring. From the epic stories and music to overall game play. Not to mention, it’s fun, rewarding and totally worth playing! No other game in its genre is more fun and worth playing than WoW these days.

So for that, I am thankful to Blizzard, but definitely not for Diablo IV, which still needs a tremendous amount of improvements and fixes… because the fact is the game is still messed up and still in Beta!

Hopefully, D4 Season 3 and beyond will be a lot better. But for now, WoW is always a great game to play no matter what! :slight_smile: Cheers! - JJ -

Update to this comment:

I am happy to see the NEW Midwinter Blight Event in Diablo IV, which can be enjoyed by all D4 players, and it looks like fun. I will give it a try. Thank you for adding this event, Blizzard D4 Team. It is appreciated. Happy Holidays! :snowman_with_snow: :+1: Cheers! - JJ -

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You can do a little better than that, because with the B tier Upheaval I did without any uniques:
T10 (pre AOZ nerf)
…and with no ubers (banished lord and red furor) I did T12

I can do T13, but the ravenous bug with metamorphosis is trashing my playstyle and I’m not finding any motivator.

I think that balancing the game through ubers/uniques is not the way, because I hate, I really hate HAVE to use the banished lords due to the lack of mov speed for instance.

I did push through AoZ solo thru T14 as a Necro. So far, AoZ seems to be about 10% skill, 30% survivability and 60% dps (IMHO).

and what did i tell you. no selig because its not needed and not used for higher tiers.

nothing in diablo is supposed to be about skill. diablo always was an item grind.

it doesnt even matter if it works all the time, ravenous alone is putting you at attack speed cap

this glyph is 100% pure garbage for most classes who utilize ravenous

Fredrick, you are so right, He didn’t even play it right and able to clear.

Yeah all 3 of my characters hit a wall on tier 9. I can do tier 8 but 9 seems undoable. True about ubers, unless someone is using an exploit/broken build it would be impossible to push AOZ past 9. And coincidentally, every rogue I saw go above 9 has doom bringer, as well as all barbs(and they usually have grandfather aswell).
So yeah , AOZ is 100% gear dependant and by gear I mean having almost perfect rolls on every legendary and the mandatory ubers(shako, doombringer, grandfather, etc.).