AoZ Feedback - Spawn vs. Map Issues

Had Blood Seekers spawn on a Grinning Labyrinth-like tileset in a narrow corridor that was about ten screens in length. Similar problems occurred on other tilesets like the ice cave.

My issues with this include:

  1. On long thin strips of floor, what are the mechanics to walk through Electrified Obelisk walls, or sidestepping Fire Enchanted spams, or sprinting out of three consecutive circles of Terrifying without damage?

  2. Why are all the other D4 boss fights in the game within arenas and not long corridors? Blizzard should be consistent: e.g. make the Uber Lilith arena be on a long narrow walkway instead. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m getting early D3 deja-vu, where there was plenty of randomization without playtesting. In this case, it’s tileset versus mobs/affixes, and also because they’ve stripped out Suppressor and Vampiric, when the playtesters (aka. the playerbase) complained.

Otherwise, IMO, when AoZ is on tilesets like Triune conclaves or outdoors, fighting the 3 Blood Seekers “feels” better.

If they plan to do this in the future, i.e. randomize tilesets/mobs for end-game content, they should rethink the layout they use in accordance to the event spawn and objectives. E.g. add more of the open areas or non-backtracking loops for dungeon events with “don’t stand in the fire” or “evade telegraphed one-shot” mechanics; stop spawning high-density mobs in dead-ends; etc.

i see what you mean but you can also adapt to the map you know. i run when i spawn the bloodseeker, so i can take them in a 1v1 or if they dont want to seperate a 2v1.

They always spawn on the spot where the last mob was killed to fill the gauge. so yea, run away. ^^

“Difficult content” in 2023 going on 2024. Find the 2 safe pixels every 0.3 seconds. They may be hard to discover with 14 fire/ice/lightning/poison/fear ground effects covering the screen but they’re there somewhere. I think…

On a more serious note, one would think game developers would consider this type of stuff.

I had a solution for this in my AoZ post as in mine they spawn 1 at a time.

AoZ fixes and ideas = Salvaging AoZ into something coherant on Eternal 😁