Anyone else feel like this version of Diablo 4 Sucks?

This person is the other side of the person who says the game is too easy.

Where is the middle ground for these type of people?

What are you talking about? The only thing you can buy in the store, really, is skins. Nothing in there will make you more powerful. You can utterly ignore that cash shop and it will not negatively impact your progress.

Good. I am not a fan of legendaries and set items raining from the sky. I also have been playing over 3hrs and 0 legendary items so I am happy. That was one thing I didn’t like about D3. Although, in end game maybe it will rain those from the sky again. But for now, loving leveling and how it isn’t face roll.

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I agree with the slow part, not sure if I like it or not

Absolutely not
In fact it’s the best ever

No it’s a big improvement over D3 and let’s hope they keep it this way.

If people want that overly bright nauseating oversaturated look and arcadey gameplay where loot rains down from the sky, well D3 is right there waiting for you.

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Some other people do I’m sure, some people will always hate any game even a good one.

Personally I think it’s great, not perfect but I’m enjoying it a lot.

It takes me seconds to trash most groups of normal mobs, not sure what your doing wrong if your having such trouble. I’m playing on world their 2 and in general a few boss fights aside it’s pretty easy.

Love the increased difficulty!

Can’t wait to unlock the higher tiers.

Game is amazing and working exactly as intended. Dont know if you’ve played any previous games in this saga but D4 is absolutetly amazing.

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beta was meant to be that way so the devs can tune it more…
game is great…

That wouldn’t be so bad if legendaries didn’t suck so much. Most of them are weak-af, made even worse by the fact that I seem to be getting the same powers over and over.

Nope, I’m having a blast. Playing WT2, melee Rogue (Puncture + Flurry + CQC) - superfun. Level 44 so far, not rushing anywhere, doing all content, solo and with friends.

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A historically single player game designed as a single player game with multiplayer elements baked in feels like a single player game? No. Way.

Yes, it’s mostly a single player game built around single player ARPG foundations.

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One of the things I think many people coming from Diablo3 are struggling with is spending skill points in a way that makes sense to make a playable build. If they try and scatter them to broadly you endup with a weak hard to play build you need to focus on a few skills level them up and by those add on subskills.

Completely agree. Too much grind to move 20 feet.

So you also don’t play PoE then? People have spent way more the 1000 Dollars in that game for sure and its generally considered one of the best “F2P” games.

The initial pricetag does not really matter in a discussion like this.

Also i haven’t bought any cosmetics so far (i most likely will at some point if i still enjoy the game), but my Sorcerer looks bad a$$

I think the starting skills suck. I have tried Barbarian and Druid. Even on the level I difficulty. The first spells should;d have been AOE to handle mobs.

No, this is a game where you need to find synergies within your builds. There is nothing challenging about WT1 IMO.

The problem today is that people are so conditioned to instant gratification. It’s a game where you have to grind gear, create viable builds and now at least learn a few boss mechanics.

The game isn’t perfect but beating the game on the lowest difficulty is not exactly a difficult task.

Anyone struggling on WT1 really needs to look in the mirror IMO.

Wide screen doesnt happen like in POE. Reason is monbster placement and has been an issue forever. Like playing original d2 on wide screen you see mobs 30 secs before you can fight them their so far away just standing there. so no surprise when they attack