Another wrongfully banned post

Carpenter, doctor, mechanic, accountant, fireman, paramedic, bank teller, landscaper, hamburger flipper, janitor, etc…

I understand. Thank you.

It was clear from reading the forums that something weird was going on. Apparently, it was confirmed just like I surmised and stated to you.

i got banned i dont know why its not specified other than it was something about the code but all i did was running dungeon after dungeon cause since the patch came out i couldnt teleport in any town cause the game kicked me out then when i didnt remember to walk to a town instead of teleporting i pressed T by reflexe i got kicked by the game then i relog to find i was banned and its for something i wasnt even aware about since i never look in the forums unless i have a real problems in game with bug or a glitch so i dont know about all the thing i cant do cause they are glitched and now im there one month after i bought the game i only have 1 toon lvl 68 with 1-2 mil in bank so i dont understand where did i abused an exploit in game to get banned for something i suposely done but i wasnt aweare that doing dongeon to get respect from a region was not permited or is blizzard only have a grudge against me for buying or playing the game

i dont use any crypto software
i have a bad wi-fi signal so i get disconnected often and 2 time more since the patch came out
i have a mid range pc i have 16 gigs of memorry and the game crash alot saying diablo 4 dont have enough memory to work so i guess it saw me as using or a third party software or even a exploit i abused but in fact its all because i have a bad wifi signal that i get logged out that much and im sure it can be a reason to ban someone for having a bad signal or even an old pc like mine seriouisly cant they look at my data or something like that on their side to verify what i said about having only 1 toon at lvl 68 and less than 5mil gol in game?

What exactly did the email say? That you were running third party software? Doing something considered a game exploit? The email should have given you a category. It won’t give you exact details though.

No. They don’t know who you are and would much rather you play their games. Nobody LIKES banning people.

MVPs are other players, not Blizzard staff. I can’t see your account or give you detailed info. I can only give you information on how to navigate the appeals system, or explain policy.

You will need to put in an appeal ticket. That is the only way to refute a Blizzard account action. Blizzard Support - Appealing a Silence, Suspension, or Ban

If the D4 appeal option does not let you put in a ticket, use the D3 option but explain that the website path for D4 does not work.

it only sait that i breach the code of conduct but i respect other player i never sell anything to any one and i was only doing dongeons to get the respect poit for each zone to complete the bonuses accross the character of the account so i dont know what i did btw i dont use hack either my only character is lvl 68 and i only have 1-2 million in bank so i dont see how i abused an exploit,didnt repect other players and or hacked

This means Warden is scanning outside of its game.

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idont use crypto minning and i never used any crypto minning software i dont have any interest in these softwares anyway i only play game i love and now i play no game at all probably because of a flase positive the only other thing open when i play diablo is youtube to listen to music while im playing and unless google chrome is considered as a third party software i dont understand

Because they are not mutually exclusive?

I would say stay in school and learn some logic, but I don’t want to seem like a jerk.

Warden always scans outside of the game. Read the EULA.

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I don’t care enough too. But looking that up you are correct indeed it does scan your files ill have to delete now and all Blizzard games.

Thank you for the info.

Is your snark detector broken? I think Amazon is having a sale this week.


But apparently, your frontal cortex where logic is executed is malfunctioning for you.

Amazon can’t help you with that, unfortunately, despite the sale.

Stay in school or not.

Oh boy :roll_eyes:

Go play, kid, you bore me.

Try harder w/ the comebacks Miss. No Logic.

Again, stay in school. Emoji usage doesn’t make your point more salient either.

And since you possess no logic, you would become bored easily.

EXACTLY. Now some many argue that the licence agreement legally allows them to do so (since you can’t play the game wihtout agreeing to it). I would argue that governments need to legislatively mandate and protect consumer rights and stop software developers from being able to remove your legal rights via licence agreements. And any software developer being found guilty of breaching this faces a VERY hefty fine (I’m talking billions of dollars here for large corporations like Blizzard, and jail time for the board of directors and CEO). That’ll put an end to this crap pronto.

Correct and it always has. However, my understanding is that it functions like antivirus software. It is looking for specific software definitions that match known cheating software, as well as checking the game files for tampering. I am sure there is a bit more to it, but it stays in its lane on the anti cheat side.

As far as I know it does not report anything back to Blizzard unless it matches a known cheat definition within the program. Part of why they end up with false positives. It comes back as a positive flag for a definition that accidentally picked up say…a crypto miner as a cheating program. All Blizz knows is that it was a positive flag for X cheating program. Not what was actually ON your PC. Blizz can’t see the whole picture of everything you have. Just what Warden is programmed to look for.

I could have hampster dance going at all times and they would not know!

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I reinstalled to check if I was banned, and I wasn’t, so I uninstalled again to make sure I don’t get banned for playing.


are you so sure of that MC? Remember the Sony DRM rootkit from the early 00s…I am old enough to remember that (and also remember how the US judicial system was so corrupt as to effectively NOT punish Sony for their crimes, crimes of which, if done by an individual are US federal crimes with up to 20 years in a federal jail…)…One has to wonder.

Personally, governments need to outlaw such software as warden as being intrusive on the owner of the software. No ifs, buts or maybes. Imagine if a car manufacturer warrantd that you must be tracked 24/7 when driving the car that they manufactured…it’d never pass and the legal lawsuits would be massive if any car manufacturer tried such a thing.

Same here. Maybe in a couple years they will figure out how to treat their customers properly.