Another wrongfully banned post

I have also been banned for alleged malicious third party software use. Have done nothing but play the game legitimately. I’m not using any overlays or traded with anyone else. Pretty shocked to see the ban on my account. Just getting the word out there to bring more light to this situation.


Are you crypto mining?

The way D4 bricks GPUs, I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a hidden crypto miner in the game’s code


Actually yes. It runs in the background.

I am not an expert on this by any means, but crypto mining seems to be a common reason people are getting banned. My guess would be that the crypto mining software is maliciously hijacking servers to help with the mining. Maybe someone with more knowledge can speak to this.

I dont think so. The software is open source.

He is right though, there’s been a handful of these posts with some sort of crytpo mining software going on. It seems like there could be a correlation there.


I know crypto mining requires a lot of computing power. I would think a PC wouldn’t be able to do it effectively without having some kind of malware attached that tries to use other computers’ processing power.

IMHO crypto is a scam and best to avoid it altogether.


My speculation is that Blizzard updated definitions for their Warden app and now it’s flagging a specific crypto app that almost everyone who posted yesterday about a sudden ban was using. Since people were using it before yesterday with no action by Blizzard.

Hmmm. Now that I have read a couple other ban posts, they are using the Chia blockchain program which is what I use also. The program is written in python.

Yeah that’s what makes me think that it’s a bad or updated to a “now we think that’s a hack” definition on Blizzard’s end. See a few more people this morning posting the same reason.

I really hope you all get this sorted out by Blizzard asap. Heck if you have a twitter account I’d even try contact CS there since they use that platform instead of Blizzard’s. If only to bug the heck out of them and hopefully get attention to this.

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I would say stop crypto mining and get a real job, but I don’t want to seem like a jerk.


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if crypto software is causing many server issues people are experiencing. Seems like there are lots of players crypto mining.

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“but I don’t want to seem like a jerk”. But that’s exactly what you just did.


Picked up on that, did ya? It’s called sarcasm - look it up.


the chia blockchain program is an open source program thats different from others.

Aren’t open source programs more vulnerable to malware?

its hard to tell sarcasm from stupidity from across a screen.


That may be the issue here. Others are reporting similar things. Appeal, get denied, appeal again. Be nice until the final step, then be adamant but professional.

Not really