Another druid thread. Or how to deal DMG during lvling or lvl 25. Earth / Companion

I read a lot of feedback on different forums about “How bad is Druid”.
I want to share my journey and skills I played during lvling and a bit of lvl 25. and managed nearly to make a complete full build. I do agree Druid has a rough start but it gets better later on

From early on I decided to play D4 Sorc or Dru. About Sorc we all know how powerful it is.
And I decided to play a mage-type Druid from the very start. I even didn’t try werewolf/bear.

Main abilities:
Primary: Wind shear or Earth Spike ( I personally played with Earth spikes cause its a good synergy later on with landslide)
Core: Landslide and GO FOR Primal Landslide!!! this is your DMG!!!
Defensive: Earth shield
Companion: Wolf or MAX landslide
Wrath: Crushing Earth + Boulder ( try to get this spell on gear so you can MAX Crushing Earth!
These are the main skills. Mobs around Die fast, bosses a bit longer. but still not THAT bad!

LVL 25 Companion melee storm/earth. (with legendaries)

The boss died in 11 seconds (wolf CD 14 sec)

P.S. NOTE that druid still got no class-specific stuff available at lvl 15. it’s in a different zone!

Stop trying to make Earth Druid happen Tiffany, its a dead build, its not happening

I’m running fortify earth druid and its wrecks. Attack speed is very important though

im doing almost as much dmg on my roge with no gear…like all yelows

great job

love seeing people build “weaker” characters quite strong

still boss died in 11 seconds