And another one bites the dust…

/20 characters

Please explain this one?

So the OP has a differing opinion about the game then most of the people responding, that much is obvious, but I see a lot of people trying to argue against an opinion, nothing more.

If we actually break down the post we can see

  1. Starfield isn’t doing so well, imagine that, another AAA game that comes out unfinished and unpolished, what the OP says is true
  2. One could argue Baldur’s Gate was limited in it’s reach, but so is D4. If anything Baldur’s Gate pulled in people who had never played the previous series and even got more people new to the genre to try it out because of all of the hype, but same thing could be argued for D4. However again, OP is not wrong in their assessment.
  3. Haven’t personally played Tears of the Kingdom, but I have heard nothing but good things about it, even if it feels more like a sequel, I’ve heard they made some pretty innovative improvements. Still more of an opinion piece.
  4. OP then goes on to talk about D4 having issues, and that it’s being worked on, this is absolutely true. Now it may not be within the time frame most of us would like, and we would’ve preferred some of these QoL features to come out sooner, but there’s no denying it’s making changes to the game, slowly.
  5. OP gives opinions about certain aspects of the game, nothing wrong with that.

Now one could argue it’s a bit of a fluff piece for Blizzard, but my counter argument would be if you don’t like it, don’t respond to it. If you have constructive criticism and a counter argument sure, but otherwise it’s just as easy to not respond to a post on these forums.


But if you look at it sensibly, I would also block 10 people, but I didn’t do this, no matter how stupid their arguments seem to me.
I can call a person an idiot if he anywhere speaks like that about others. I can also call a person stupid if he cites, as it is more correct to put it, the axiom of his rightness as an argument. Some things aren’t provable until we crack the game’s code, but Blizzard is against that and no one wants to break agreements.
We just look at how the game mechanics work and draw conclusions. And often, many conclusions lean towards the fact that something is wrong with the game, and not in favor of the players. Because of this, there is dissatisfaction. At least among the players reasoning in a balanced way.

I remember that before leaving Diablo 3, I wrote in the topic about the drop that: “why was it necessary to make so many legendary things and mess with their design if most players will never see these things.” Later they made legendary items more accessible. So not everyone is always wrong.

I’m very interested as well as to what the political stuff is. Like honestly there was 1 mission I did where someone asked me about government taxes and that was it. I suspect this is just the usual people that want to cherry pick things so they can hate a game and be the loudest people in the room for a while. Also not sure why people say this runs like dogcrap on PC. I get some frame dips in populated areas but its been very smooth. Maybye i’m just not as angry as y’all, I don’t know.

Haha, stop trolling. It’ll be BG3 or Zelda TOTK without even trying and I don’t even have to play either of those games to know it.

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I have a feeling what OP is referring to and it’s very hypocritical of a thread he made weeks ago regarding the dev game play…

OP really needs to be banned from these forums…


Fair enough, I don’t spend a lot of time on here I just browse from time to time. But man there are some seriously angry people on here. Not just about Diablo but just like…ANYTHING.

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I’m not you, but congrats on saving space on your block list.

I think you’re an idiot.

I think you’re an idiot who also is operating on the (incorrect) assumption I am satisfied with this game right now.


you don’t




every other


Just type normally, please.

I don’t agree with the controversy, but it exists.

The question is, what do you mean by constructive criticism?
Don’t you think the dissatisfaction of the players and the remarks that the work of the resistances in the game is not correct?
Don’t you think that the imbalance among the classes in the game is not correct?
Don’t you find the open world of the game too monotonous?
You do not find that during the campaign there were about 4 factions (wild life, bandits, demons and religious fanatics), and at the end they all united against a common enemy (I’m talking about the player). This has stunned the game’s nonsense and continues to ruin the gameplay.
The developers have shelved these questions for too long. There are too many points here, I will get tired of writing, and you of reading. The game doesn’t look like it’s finished.


Now I think you’re an idiot who has made some good points.

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i dont see why it matters if d4 wins or loses game of the year.

it could win every gaming award there is, its still a terribly bad game.

like winning or losing awards isnt making it a better game. or even a good one.


I agree with everything you’re saying, but what does that have anything to do with OP’s opinion piece? It’s literally his opinion about the game. I don’t agree with it obviously, but I’m not about to tell him his opinion is wrong just because it differs from mine.

I’d have more luck trying to convince a wall to fall over then trying to convince the OP not to enjoy the game, and both endeavors would be pointless. I don’t care that he enjoys the game and is extremely positive about it, that doesn’t affect the way I see the game at all.

Well, here you are already showing your incompetence. I am not ashamed to be a fool or an idiot, because I am clearly smarter than you.
In addition to cheap insults, you have nothing to counter?

But you support the one who writes that everything is just fine with the game. That is, you prove by this that you think that everything is fine with the game and nothing needs to be changed.

And throw cheap insults, it won’t make you smarter.
A smart person can control himself. A wise person knows how to listen to others.

Using words with multiple syllables doesn’t preclude you from being a bad faith actor intentionally obfuscating the points being discussed so as to derail the conversation towards unproductive confrontation.

In other words, you’re an idiot that I think is trolling.

If you’re referring to me you are mistaken. My post history is open and you can see many times I have criticized the game.

His point is he’s trying to get me to block him. Because if I do, he’ll win the contest that he unilaterally forced into this thread.

The prize is internet points, which we all know are priceless.

Yes, my friend, I made this remark a long time ago, and I am not alone, but so far nothing has changed. In addition to the cosmetics store.
And I did not only make this remark. But we are not talking about that.