An Honest Feedback From A Life-Time Fan (LIST)(WORK LOUD/H))

Hi there. First of all I want to thank everyone working on D4. You have done a great job and amazing experience for me. I played thousands (like 4k or so) hours in D3, and played around 70 hours in D4 Beta. Here are features and implements I really WISH to see. Maybe not in launch, but months and years ahead…

  1. Where did TELEPORT TO FRIEND button go? Its tiring to tp back to town, and back to your friend’s Teleport and loading 2 screens in the meantime is a massive NO.

  2. Make party friends teleport portals match their colour in team. Like if my friend’s colour is Yellow, I want his teleport portal to be yellow too (change purple colour to player colour. 30 minutes of work.). Easy to implement, but very BIG POSSITIVE CHANGE to have. Please.

  3. An UI information or signal would be perfect addition to help navigate undone world objects. Like, when I cross my pointer over “dungeons” in map, all the dungeons that are not done can shine, blink, gets bigger or sth to navigate easly. For those who dont want to miss anything, Its very hard to find what you really care for in all those symbols and things in map. (very hard to implement. Dont know, maybe months? but please not years.)

  4. Enchanting items doesnt show what stat can get for spesific slot. Where did our beautiful fat enchanter lady go? She was more specilized for that purpose. Bring back possible rerolled stat list. (this can be pretty hard to implement. I give you 5 days.)

  5. Upgrading costs legs and arms. Why? I personally cant afford to change a level 15 item that is upgraded 3 times until I’m like 50 or so. Maybe never until end game. That costed like 100k wtf is this? Do you want us not upgrade anything while leveling? If so ok. If not, what is the point. There is a mechanic but its not usable until you are 100. Why would anyone give 100k to upgrade an item which he’ll change after a few levels? Noone. So why we have this mechanic? Make it 100 gold in every upgrade level: 100 for 1st upgrade, 200 for 2nd and so on… (easy implementation, I can edit upgrade gold cost in 30 minutes)

  6. Gambling/Kadala is way too far away in town that I simply dont bother to go there. Because I cant go and back all that way up that stairs, that turn etc. Why why? why? Put Gambler next to shopper in Blacksmith building. (easy implementation, like it can be done in 30 minutes)

  7. We need ARMORY. the ARMORY. Implement in wardrobe not only dye combination but also Items (this is a lot of work to do. Took like tens of seasons for D3 to have this, Please dont take it this long).

  8. When pinning something in map, make your actual road have some effect (a firebird for sorcerer, a hawk for barb, a squirrel for rogue, a ghost for necro and tree leaf for druid) to follow not only map. I get tired looking at minimap and missing all the beutiful details map and envoriement offer (this cannot be implemented I guess).

  9. Even though I played thousands of hours D3, with each classes for years. I honestly, simply and truthfully say that I can NOT play 2 classes in D4. I really and simply cant. I’m so sorry. Because every map objects, every world achievements and lockable things (dungeons, quests, etc.) are so big and so crowded and sometimes so stupid that I have no energy for 2 classes. I’m 35 years old. I have family. I have job to attent to. I still can play like 3-4 hours a day and this is a very luxury for me. But this big games are exhausting if you have done everything once. I want to play all the classes. But I cant do every dungeon 5 times, every side quests 5 times, every location scouting 5 times. Please make EVERYTHING ACCOUNT-WIDE so that we can just play outher classes and fully live all the experience you have prepared for us for years. At least make a button when you create a character like “DO YOU WANT TO COPY THE WORLD FROM YOUR PREVIOUS CHARACTER NAMED XXX?” and if we click yes, ok bingo. We just start at lvl 1 with everything open.

  10. Are these only and every spells we can have? Please not.

  11. Put more waypoints to map. Or increase base walking speed, or implement a button to “auto move”. Otherwise walking is tremendous job. I started to hate walking after 50 hours in game. I can say now after 70 hours in, I DO HATE WALKING.

If i can add more I will.
I thank you all, bye.

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