Am I tripping, or do characters look too genderneutral?

I was more looking at the male Rogue looking like he needs more Grade A Beef burgers in his gut, and that the Barbarian looks like he still needs a beard to complete the “Big intimidating presence” look. Although that now extends to me thinking the Necromancers looking… Not good, let’s put it like that.

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I see :laughing:
Well, I didn’t get that from looking at them, but maybe it could be said that an experienced warrior who’s fought many probably wouldn’t look baby faced at all, given the life he’s led. (For no specific reason now thinking of Kratos) Not sure, if anything’s still gonna happen in that respect though.

OP is 100% correct in this one. Do not let others with low male standards tell you otherwise.

I see alot of people cherry picking the most manly looking male models to prove a point. But the fact remains, specially with the presets. All males but Barbarian look too feminine.

First i made a barb and i had no issue. Later i wanted to try some other classes and i always and only play male characters.
As a manly type of man myself it was obvious from the start. I was like why do these male classes look so feminine, it is not something i can appriciate. It annoyed me from the start. But it was to be expected in this woke world.

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This destroyed Lost Ark for me. Not that I care that female characters often get certain traits overemphasized in games, but when it’s enforced across the entire roster it limits roleplay.
When Lost Ark female barbarian was announced it had amazing concept art and made me want to reinstall the game.
Then it came out, “the Slayer” class…it’s literally a tall K-pop model with large cup size and ridiculous cleavage running around in high heels.
Stuff that.
Diablo 4’s female barbarian is absolutely amazing (with the right hairstyle). The model Blizzard used for the European face with hairstyle number 8 and the animations are incredible. The lifelike eye-movements in the main menu and how she steps up to the screen, shrugs and glares right at you with a low brow.

This is completely lost on these other games and the whining of this OP


Nothing to prove or substantiate that it has to do with wokeness other than your perception and taste.
There are a limited number of faces. You get 4 faces and those are basically just ethnic phenotypes.
Within that limitation I found the Barb, Druid and Rogue to be 80’s masculine. The other two have to fit the frame of the stereotype for the class and unique silhouette, as explained. You know, some people actually look like that, what can you do about the face you’re born with… and that just happens to be how the model looks, for now. I’m critical of art, and I find no such hint of what you’re complaining about.

Mr. Manly man, you’ve done something effeminate and conjured up an imaginary problem for yourself.
We’re not going to have the same tastes and faces- that doesnt automatically mean an ideological agenda is afoot, ok?


Stop constructing strawmen to fight against. People are not asking for high-heeled popstars. I am not a fan of Lost Ark models either.

We would like more options within the design space that works in this aesthetic.

If you must know, the thing I want the most is to play a female druid with barbarian physique.

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It is absolutely a woke world problem.

You are aware they are currently covering up skin of literally 10+ year old beloved WoW models and removing jokes people laughed about in vanilla?

Their ideology took a sharp left turn and this is the consequence.

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It’s not. It’s only standart for California based studios. People from everywhere else in the world have atleast one functioning brain sell.


This doesnt automatically qualify as evidence for woke influences in the model body type and faces chosen for the D4 classes. If they made a bunch of pretty faces and bikini armor for D4, there would have been a more massive outcry.

Thankfully the way it is now, only the minority like you are offended by imaginary problems, not the actual tangible problem of having a supermodel masquerading around Sanctuary in the world of Diablo as a warrior.

I detest wokeness and find no problem whatsoever with the models of D4. They’re very refreshing to see


That is of course convenient that only your problems are real while other people only have imaginary problems. And you somehow purely accidentally overlooked the fact that I just wrote I want more barbarians and less supermodels.

Trying to make men feminine or women masculine is a very distinctive symptom of woke ideology if you ask me.

“But its not proooooof”. Not its not, if you partout don’t want to see it.

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The irony.
No, I didnt overlook that, but emphasized that with the limited amount of models available we received the better option- ie. the more gritty and realistic, as opposed to the supermodel.
This thread is a taste/preference issue and call for increasing customization. Then somehow some of you migrate that to a political argument.
Let that be all. We won’t make progress any further. Im happy with the game, and you are not while you imagine that Blizzard is out to ruin your fun to foist their agenda subliminally upon their customers.
Go in peace


These two sentences make an oxymoron. A statment that contradicts itself :rofl: .


Only if you assume inherent animosity rising off the screen from Blizzard’s design choices. Slippery slope with no rigid frame of reference to ever be a constructive discussion, so go in peace- I like Blizzard’s choices here, and I dislike politicizing the mundane- reality is hard to cope with for some


A lot of words used to say absolutely nothing, when we literally have “Body type 1 and 2” instead of male and female :rofl: . “I hate wokeness, but I find Blizzard’s woke choises refreshing”.

What? But there is no proooooof a character roster of obese twitterina Druids, effeminate men, and necromaner women with male chests stems from woke ideology.

You are clearly imaginig things.:+1::rofl:

See how deftly Blizzard avoided having to deal with the can of worms people like you are to the extreme of both sides of the isle?

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you mean normal people?

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“Man” and “woman” are an extreme stance?

Yeah well, you certainly are not a fan of woke ideology, no sireee.

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No. They look like they fit in their archetypes and they all look mature, unlike modern young people look like children at the age of 30 still. And act like children aswell.


Can they look mature without some of them being rolling barrels of lard?

I’d take that thanks.