I think if people had a character option of their preference available to them in the character creation screen, none of these threads would exist. People are frustrated because they are eager to play the game and see nothing that appeals to them. When this happens, they are quick to blame those who are catered to. Blizzard by being so exclusive in their options/character creation screen are actually sowing division and discontentment.
Yeah but you people have two seettings, worship and hate. So since people here are not worshipping, they must be hating. Right?
In actuality it has more to do with Blizzard forcing these looks down our throats for some diversity reasons I guess, I don’t know, as a result you got people not liking it and people like you reading too much into this coming here to do what you do best. Get offended and get it shut down.
Sure, being dismissive is a position. Because lets consider that a game exists where 100% of people who play it are 100% pleased by every design choice.
I dont see anyone being catered to. Is it really that basic to you that you see a character being described as “overweight” and think that overweight people are being catered to…seriously, WTF.
I think they generally look pretty ugly, which I’m sure is intentional because hot people aren’t politically correct or something.
First off, if you want to include invectives as part of your reply, it degrades whatever message you’re trying to get across.
I didn’t say anyone was obese, you did. But if they have a specific body type, and not another, how is that not catering to the one that is present? How would you describe it then?
Explain how wanting to like your character is dismissive? In an RPG, is it a stretch to want to be able to like your character?
I feel like you’re not trying to discuss this anymore but be purposely argumentative. If you can’t properly address the content of my previous messages, there’s no point in further discussion.
Worship and hate - what are you even talking about. People who believe everybody should look a certain way or they’re unacceptable are the only ones who worship or hate. Two settings, really? Being an accepting human being is one setting.
But hey lets not forget how people who are hated by society for their appearances are being force fed what you worship. Everywhere. All. The. Time.
You think im defending diversity here like we dont live in a diverse world. As if simply representing the reality is unrealistic.
Necromancer Female looks like a guy with a wig and dress on.
And I disagree with “someone” saying stuff about being agile and slim. Nobody asked. Im a player who always plays female characters because I`m not into guys and I don’t want to see half-naked male characters running on my screen.
I find it weird that the only option for female characters is a muscular, big woman or a slim woman that you could hardly tell from a man.
This whole answer is focused on necromancers and druids only! (no need of 4k pics of other 3).
People are mad because it is only “diverse” how Blizzard sees “diversity”. In reality they are doing the opposite of what they advocate because what appears to be a large part of the playerbase aren’t actually being represented. Why is this hard to understand?
I feel myself as an F35, I demand an F35 in the game, otherwise I will write a BIG text on twitter…
Thats good, man. Great reply. The fact you opionate that anyone should be represented is basic. I dont think the simpletons who complain here represent the large part of the player base. You know whats hard to understand - but you wont admit. Its hard for you to understand that the character design choices have anything to do with anything besides how believably they are represented by the lore or the world building. Why anyone should feel they arent being represented or others are being more represented than preferred is absurb ego bullcrap.
They all look fine save the female druid. I really like the female necromancer.
If the Blizzard developers weren’t so far on one side of the fence and had a reputation for creating content specifically for lore and world building - then there would be no question in this area. Having played world of warcraft, you know for certain that this is not how they operate.
Lore/world building is certainly a valid reason to have only certain types of characters present. But it becomes a hard point to argue when that means you’re losing a demographic of players that would otherwise want to play your game. If this was the real reason however and was substantiated by the lore in the game, I’d fully support it. I might not play the game, but I’d have no issue with it.
deleted other post because it did not show as a response for some reason.
This reply is not just aimed at you, but you did have a recent comment that is related
Not everything someone does not like is part of a conspiracy to “push” something on anyone.
When I play WoW, I expect cartoony graphics because that is the art style. If I play FF then I expect world and character art in that style. If I play an anime related game, I expect the art style to match.
In the case of D4 Blizzard has selected an art style and gone with it. It is gritty, it is not for everyone. There are beautiful (in my opinion) options for characters, and some that people won’t like. The body types are selected based on the lore and artistic decisions, not some crazy made up agenda.
Druid = bear like body form for whatever reason they chose. Largest body type.
Necro = skeletal, fragile body, uses life essence in magic. Slimmest body type.
Barb = Very muscular for swinging huge weapons and executing brutal in your face combat.
Rogue = agile medium muscle hybrid combat build. Close combat or ranged.
Sorc = Athletic, healthy, taller than rogue. Ranged combat build but still muscular for running, climbing, and all the other activity they do.
All are easy to tell the male from the female, except maybe if covered in full furs and hoods when viewed from a long distance camera range.
I can make a huge range of appearances with the current options, although I would love more hair/hair color fixes.
This was done because they made artistic and lore/class fantasy decisions, not to upset or please some portion of a fan base.
Edit to add - if someone really wants a extremely large breasted high fantasy style character and refuses to play without those super large breasts, maybe Blizzard is ok with that? If the chest is the only reason to play, or not play, a game then maybe there are better games for that person out there?
Actually mine looks somewhat like Lisa Bonet.
Yeah, she has dead eyes, but then you know…she’s a necromancer.
I think mine looks fragile, ethereal, and also a bit on the creepy side which is what I wanted for a death magic char.
Fragile, ethereal…with something utterly dark, waiting to get out inside.
Can you please elaborate on this part, what lore substantiates having gender neutral characters? This was not the case for Diablo 3.
It does feel like gas-lighting. The male sorc pose is nothing but feminine.
In no-way did I say that I disliked the “grittiness” of the game, you’re confounding one thing for another - which is why I mention gas-lighting.
There’s no conspiracy, people are naturally drawn to what they like. I did not say there was a conspiracy either. It feels like this word is brought up to discredit my comments. Poor form MissCheetah. Blizzard most likely has a lot of gender neutral developers or people who are so inclined, which is why the games they develop are pushed in this direction. It’s not a “conspiracy”. Unfortunately, the games are made for the audience of people who wish to purchase them. If they want to reduce that demographic to a smaller audience, that’s also okay.
I think your message is clear, the game probably isn’t for me. That’s alright too.
I hope that you realize the irony, how the essence of your message is “you aren’t welcome here”.
YESSSS. I love that they added literal vampire eye options for them with the glowing red. I did not check, but they might have the full black eyes too that some other chars do. That screams demon possessed to me.
I will say I’m very disappointed in the druid body type. They’re straight up obese and I would love to hear a lore reason for that.
They are not gender neutral! That is the whole issue with this thread. Apparently without DD cups some people can’t tell a male from a female. Bone structure, facial structure with fuller lips, more facial fat (not counting necro), etc. I can post all the pictures again and ask you - can you really NOT tell the difference between men and women without giant neon signs?
Really? I get that the screen animations are duplicated between the two, but that does not make him not a man for doing spell casting hand motions.
That is a whole lot of assumption on your part. Wow. Again, the chars are not gender neutral unless you intentionally TRY to make one that way, and if you can’t tell them apart without DDs that is not some agenda.
I would guess they based it on the bear body type?