Alternate Respec Cost Solution #666

Yeah exactly I was reading… Catching up and your post seemed to be the most urking. There should be no need to do anything of this sort with keeping a thread at the top. And having a gagillion posts in it won’t make them change their minds if it’s the same poster in multiple threads.

Yes, I am the only poster in every thread related to respec costs. /s
And if the number of threads is what “urks” you, just hide them.

P.S. 100 < “a gagillion”

See now you are being toxic.

And the number of threads = no response from the devs. You still won’t get what you want. Even if you present this terrible idea of an alternative they’d ignore it at any rate.

I sure hope so. Give me a solo mode and get rid of respec costs, plz.

But you see, I didn’t make yet another post about that. I went for something new.

And they still will make you pay the 15 million gold at level 100 to do a full respec. They aren’t adding a respec button to paragons so throw that idea out the window.

I wasn’t in the CB, but others that were said they could respec paragon points. Dunno where you got the idea you couldn’t.

Never did I say you couldn’t respec paragons. I had to right click each one to full respec. Hence, why I told you the total cost.

Now if you were to get on the “add a respec button to paragon boards” I’d be supporting your efforts cuz that S*** was stupid to individually click them all.

Nah, I think I’ve just adopted the stance of being against the ability to respec paragon points, period. Mess up on the paragon board? Oh well, start another character.

Fair enough. I mean we’ll have to start from scratch each season anyway so no harm no foul. And I am pretty sure that the already available character planners will allow you to theory craft before you make those mistakes.

I’ll just wait until Rhyker tells me what to play. No need to put any thought into my own build or use any planners.

That seems boring.

20 char 20char

Know what else seems boring?

Aaaaaaaanyway. Thanks for the entertainment. I think we’ve derailed this thread enough.

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The best solution is to remove it completely. It serves no real purpose.

The devs disagree, apparently. And I’ve come to realize some of the issues, in a multiplayer semi-MMO context, how it does have a purpose.

Again, implement a solo mode and then you can safely remove respec costs.

Blizzard devs have always thought they knew what was best due to arrogance… they’ve been wrong most of the time. Adding insane respec costs take away experimentation on builds… and that’s bad for the game. You are just gonna push the average player to the same cookie cutter builds everyone is using… it’s pointless and will become frustrating very quickly for people who actually theory-craft their own builds.

I don’t think a solo mode is needed, because you can just play alone. If seeing other players walking by is an issue… I dunno what to tell you outside that is pretty cringe. You don’t have to ever speak to anyone if you don’t want… you can literally solo all the content.

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I’m not gonna get in a huge debate about this we all have our own opinions but just reading this I can say for sure building my character isn’t satisfying if I can just keep getting “redos”. To you fine-tuning, to me it’s just instant gratification. If you want to be proud of something you should have to put some amount of work into it beside simply trying it. I’m alright with working out builds over time…because there will be lots of that. If you’re not, that’s cool, but it’s not one size fits all…people keep telling me how terrible the cost is and I’m just like…well…I don’t feel that way. And again, repeating myself, trust me, we’re not trying to sabotage your gameplay. People really do… genuinely want a cost. It just feels more meaningful that way to some of us.

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No, I’m talking the opposite: if someone is switching builds because something out there is significantly more powerful than what they have, you have to factor in the inevitable nerf to this newly discovered OP build. If they are switching just because they are bored, then nothing really stops them from switching. So the point is to make it so that I (or you), who doesn’t want to just change builds willy-nilly, doesn’t see sticking to our build as a disadvantage.

I do think that evolving your build over time is reasonable, though, hence my suggestion based on the rares+ you sell/salvage. If I don’t like my last two points, that’s not really changing my build. For the most part, I think anything that doesn’t require you to change gear is also not changing your build, and even thing that require a shift of one leg aren’t major. It’s a sliding scale for sure, but I think that disallowing partial respecs is only going to encourage more dramatic build changes (especially if the penalty is a debuff instead of something you have to gather first).

I could see a more dramatic ramp up, though, where you can only respec in batches like buy 1 respec for 10k, 5 for 100k, full respec for 2 million, and the buckets are only available once a day or something.

this is easily THE top 5 of the most stupidest ideas proposed on these forums.
Respecs for item drop, exp rate…

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Yeah that definitely should be the main goal.

Probably not, but I could see some builds being able to drastically change with relatively few points.

As long as the cheap one only offered a low enough amount of point changes, that no build could change its strengths and weaknesses on it (like going from singlet target to AoE, or “push” to speed etc. then I’d be fine with it. But I do think that would require a very rapid ramp up.
Maybe more like 1 point : 10k, 2 points 50k, 3 points 100k, 4 points 200k, and so on, until it reaches whatever the cap is (and in relative prices, since we dont know the gold amounts later on). Allowing for maybe 1-3 points being changed very cheaply, but going much above that would start to reach full respec prices quite fast.

And yeah, it would need some kind of mechanism to prevent players from just repeatedly moving 1 point at a time at the low price. Like a daily reset on the counter.

My issue with a gold cost, and even a rare item cost, is that I fear they wont really feel impactful later on. Albeit a Rare item cost definitely is much better than a gold cost, as you just cant horde endless amounts of items, due to how much space they take.
Hitting the players on their DPS, defense etc., or their magic find and special currency rates. that is something that will basically always matter.

Yeah. I dont really have an issue with people making dramatic respecs, as long as it is a fairly rare thing, and as your point above, does represent an advantage vs. not respeccing.

Definitely dont agree there. Respec costs matter just as much in a solo game as in a multiplayer game.

They should still add a solo mode of course.

Regardless of any other misunderstandings I clearly have had, I certainly will be the first to admit that my English is quite bad.