Allout Beta Feedback (without whining) šŸ˜‰ (long post)

I had the opportunity to play all classes to at least lvl 20.
Iā€™ve seen most of the dungeons, areas, bosses, even played the world boss.

Of course I am aware that I have only seen but a little part of the game, so I try to be not too unfair.

Unusual for this forumā€¦ but let me start with somethingā€¦ positive :hushed:

Animation and Tech
The animations and the tech is incredible. The VFX, lighting, invisible instance changes, absolute top notch.
The weight of movement, weapon swings and hit feels just so good. How the barb sways left and right when walking because of his heavy body, how the wizard flicks his wand. Chapeau to the team.

Character Visuals
Other than some (rather embarrassing) posts about the bodies of the classes, I really like how different they look. I dont need ten millionth stereotypical druid all in green and all beard. Also its great that, for the first time, you are able to customize your characters!
(maybe let us loot customizations for our characters as well?)

Visuals, audio and atmosphere
The game looks stunning, like I said, but often the atmosphere cannot really shine. The music is not really something that sticks in mind. The SFX we love are all there of course. The bling of the coins, the bubble of the potions, the weird sounds of the skeletons, but other than that, wheter music or SFX it is not noticeable. Of course this usually is a sign of good sound, but its never reached the greatness of the D1 sounds or atmospheric music.
The atmosphere I wish would have been created, when I first read of a darker, gloomier Diablo would be threatening, frightening, dense. But I felt none of those. And this is mainly because of another problem: the dungeons and the monster density.

The Dungeons & monster density
As so many people already stated: the dungeons are boring. They are boring, because they always feel the same, have the same couple of layouts, are very long, very empty and have lots of backtracking. They feel empty, because the monster density feels weird. Sometimes they are scattered too much.
You might wanted to create a feeling of exploration in some dangerous dungeon. But you created a feeling of boredom in empty vasts.
Tasks are always the same: kill 2 or 3 of this, open door, kill bossā€¦
This does not apply to all dungeons, but to most.

Oh and the cellars are the most boring. You could just as well cut them. They bring absolutely no addition atm.

What I did like was that each dungeon offers a legendary affix reward for classes. But Iā€™d recommend an incentive for other classes to play dungeons as well (other than region progress)

I know there will be other dungeons, nightmare dungeons and upgraded ones, but I think youā€™ll agree that especially the first hours of a game have to shine. Even more so, when its a vital part of the core loop.

The classes & Skills
Like I said Ive tested all classes. Some were more fun, than others, some were unbalanced.
I thought that I would have most fun with the rogue and least with the mage (like it was in D3), but it came the other way around.
I can mostly just agree on other topics about classes.

The skill tree is something I am not really font of. Because it is just a very basic skill tree in a different shape. I really like the passives of all skills and that you have a choice for each of them, but other than that is is super basic and D3 did it better, more clear and user friendly.

  • Barb is fun, but underpowered. Even with earthquake leap legendary, I had really hard times fighting bosses. I did not understand the necessity to change weapons in my skills at all? Why would I want to use weapons other than my strongest? Maybe the class feature will encourage constant weapon changing (but wellā€¦ you couldnā€™t unlock it in the beta). But if only for some weapon changing builds, this feels kinda useless.
  • Rogue is not fun, the melee/range mixture feels like an odd playstyle I wont enjoy. If you are expecting the usual bowman build, the rogue will be disappointing
  • Mage is very fun and plays great. But, like others have stated, you are pretty much bound to choose one element style to create a playable build. Either go for X or Y. Or you will die.
  • Necro was my favorite. Running around with your minions of death. But tbh, they are op as f***. Especially if you invest in the passives that make them even stronger. Where I died with the barb after long bossfights, I totally annihilated bosses with the necro. But I love the theme and macabre skillsā€¦
  • Druid was fun and felt really snappy.
    (and the shapeshifting looks awesome!)

Unique Class features

I LOVE the unique class features. Its a great idea and gives personality to classes outside of gear. Having something unique that no other class as access to feels great. BUT, id love for more synergy with other classes

  • Barb
    One of my favorites. Leveling up weapons individually is great. It gives a really cool motivation to level up all weapons and try out different stuff. But for me it wasnt enough (at least yet) to switch weapons in my build skills.
  • Rogue
    One of the worst, imo. No choices. Feels like a gimmick.
  • Mage
    Awesome. So many choices. Unlocks more playstyles. Feels great. The fire armorā€™s emergency save was exactly what my HC wizard needed!
  • Necro
    Awesome as well. As I discovered that I dont have to part ways with my skeletal bois and could just add mages, I was over the hills. I love that you can change the type of your summons, but the passives didnt felt like great choices. They were okish.
  • Druid
    ? Id love to have seen their featureā€¦ but wellā€¦ you knowā€¦ I couldnt. It was outside of the map :frowning:

Coop game felt as usual. Really good. I like that you share main quests progress. But there are some QoL features I missed.
Why cant I teleport to my mates when clicking their portrait, like I used to in D3? It was to clicks and I was back in action. Now I have to port to town and click their portal, which even was buggy from time to time, since the town is so laggy. No fun!
Skipping cutscenes often was not possible (because of a bug?) for one of us. One had to watch everything, while the others could already continue slaying. This was especially immersion breaking in a boss fight. I thought the fight would start after everybody finished the cutscene, but I was wrong lol. (Fortunately it happened on my necro and I was good, all alone)
Also, why cant I see the build of my mates, like in D3? That would give us the opportunity to sync our builds.

Shared World
I totally understand many players that dislike the shared world, stolen events, goofy immersion breaking and so on. Me, personally I did not had dire problems with it. But I totally see the problems.
What really grinded my gear was one vital missing accessibility feature: pausing the game. I have absolutely no tolerance for this feature missing. Everybody needs to stop the game from time to time and a certainty to not die. Especially hardcore players!
Just imagine you spill your tea or somebody in the room needs help, or gosh you got a pizza delivery. Pause the game - done. Atm, you will die if you are unlucky.
I also see hc players being lured or kited into mobs by other playersā€¦

And all of these problems could easily be fixed with making the shared world an option.

I can see that you added scaling of monsters and players to support the shared world. But tbh, Im not a big fan of it (like many others). It robs me of the experience to feel mighty (just once with my barb :smiling_face_with_tear:). Especially when a lvl 7 is on par or even better then me on lvl 20?
I dont fear the map, like already explained. I even feel annoyed by it from time to time.

But I give you that: the scaling makes coop gameplay more fun!

Overall Id wish for more love for Hardcore players. It already felt neglected in D3. (How many died because of the always online featureā€¦).
At least give HC players the same accessibility as SC players and a little acknowledgement for their risks.

Economy & Respec
The one thing I am most dividedā€¦ I dont know what to think of it. I see that you are trying to prevent the ridiculous money spiral of D3, but the money sinks feel weird. All the shops and npc services feel like they dont have a set price, but the costs scale linear to my wealth and level. Of course they scale, you might say. But to me it feels like its always a relative amount of my wealth. Like items costs 50-80% of my total wealth. Why would I invest into a yellow item that gives a 10 or 20% boost, but cost nearly all my money? The shop gear items are completely useless like this. I always ignored them. Especially because I could gamble items with the other currency. Even legendaries I could get easily.

Respec is another money sink, Im not sure about. I fear it will become more than a nuisance pretty quickly, when the money scaling goes trough the roof in later levels. Either negative (because of too high costs) or positive (because of too much player wealth). Especially how it functions now. Sometimes you cant respec earlier skills, when it would render your latest skill inactive, which forces you to some weird respec acrobatics or to respec everything. But when it costs to much, you wont do it.

World Boss
The world boss is nothing but a big monster with extended hp and dmg. It is boring. Ive read statements that all classes will have to play a role in defeating the boss, but thats not true. You just spam your usual skills until its deadā€¦ that is really no fun. The loot was good tho!

Beside the missing pause option, there are really great accessibility settings! I especially enjoyed the option for loot audio queues close to me or the outline shader on my character. Helps great amounts to not be confused.
Really happy that there are so many options!

QoL & Misc

  • The potion system is great and maybe the best of all diablos
  • Force move on ā€œWā€ is clinching with the region progress UI when looking at the map. So often, i will open this stupid window, when in action and have to press esc, instead of tab to close it. very very annoying
  • Other than that I really like the region progress rewards. Great way to encourage exploration and 100% clearing
  • No transparent map overlay? This is deadly for hc players and annoying for all others. D3 did it better :confused:

Difficulty & Player Skill
I liked the overall difficulty of World Lv 2. Feels good to not mow trough enemies and just run through the game.
I really like the dodge feature. In general the game allows for more player skill which is what I really missed in D3. Could even be more!

All in all, I enjoyed my time in the beta and me and my gf are excited for the release. I cant wait for paragon and unique item farming. The story looks promising as well.
There are lots of flawed edges in this game, but Im optimistic that they will be polished somewhat.

Good Job Devs!

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