All: please post your ATTACK POWER, and Pit level you can reach solo

I have 67798 attack power and 3404 strength. If blizzard is wrong, then log a bug report on this.

It’s impossible to have 140k attack power–I know because I’ve got every good dps piece of gear. Attack power is maxed out at about 70k, you need to log a bug on this.

Have you heard the saying “if someone tells you that you have a tail, you will likely ignore it. If every person you walk by tells you that you have a tail, you may want to check”?

Thats what is happening right now. Many people have told you that your belief of attack power being a legitimate metric of your damage, is not correct.

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So please explain this to me.

You have 67k atk power and can barely clear pit 60.

I have 17k atk power and can easily stroll through and destroy pit105 without trying.

Your attack power is 4 times what mine is, yet I am many orders of magnitude stronger than you. Tell me again how atk power is a good indicator?

Don’t forget about the bonuses. Check your attack power midway through fighting, it should be well over 150k if you’re clearing pit 90+. Static attack power is ok, but when rune procs, critical strikes, berserking, and overpower kick in the attack power should jump through the roof. It’s all about the build setup

When are people measuring? Mid fight? At rest? Against dense mobs? against a boss? Against certain enemy types? With elixirs? Without elixirs? The exact second your rune procs?

And yet half of the bonuses you get aren’t even included in the calculation. It is not a reliable way of determining how effective a character or build is.

My crushing hands and quill volley have pretty much the same atk power but quill volley hits WAAAAAAY harder in bossing.

Yeah I can’t keep up with how my SB does so much damage. All I was saying is that the static attack power number isn’t a good measure of how strong you are, it changes a lot in a fight. I like the idea of “if it dies quicker, I’m stronger”.

200k+ but the only thing it affects is conduit damage atm. Prob the most useless stat in the game

Attack power is the one value that blizzard says is true and real. Period. If it isn’t right, what is?

Attack power lies especially if your stacking the straight dmg %

Your Pit clear capability is much more real value.

You can’t explain how it works but you blindly believe what Blizzard says… companies and politics thrive on people like yourself, that blindly follow and believe whatever they are told.

This means you should log a bug on attack power being wrong.

This means you should take your fingers out of your ears and quit stomping your feet.

It’s a misleading stat that only shows how much main stat and damage is currently active. It immediately changes when you’re outside of town, and changes more as you gain and lose buffs.

It is not an accurate measure of damage. Period.

So what is the true indicator, if not attack power? If there isn’t one, log a bug. Period.

It’s not bugged, you just don’t comprehend what it is or how to read it, despite multiple people trying to help you.

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let’s go patch out now - log in and test our barb

A “bug” is defined as “something that doesn’t work as promised.” Do you have another definition? Answer.

It’s working as intended, you just don’t understand what it shows.

It’s not intended to be the end-all, be-all, sole measurement of your character’s damage potential.

Attack power is to misleading and has minimal use, even more now than ever i feel.
Plus things like dot and such don’t add to it, but can still actually increase damage to monsters. Solo so far I have unlocked up to 59. Nothing full MW apart from recently Crimson single GA. No mythic.

Doing a lot of tinkering, and just swapped glyph out for a better build, however i need to level it to leg now, but focusing on MW currently.

Can’t complain TBH with my rate and room for growth, Not sure what my ATT power is like 12k 14k ish in town, with a Dot build.

Forget the attk power metric, it isn’t worth it,It doesn’t include all damage. the death rate and monster health bars would be a better metric imo, and ofc pit level.

You’re all being retarded. It clearly is the best measure of dmg, Period. Quit belaboring other “points.”

If it is such a wonderful measure, then why did you start this thread in the first place?

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