All my friends quit

funny, all the ppl dissing this guy for his friends leaving, NO ONE dissing blizz for being 100% of the reason for it.


Agreed. The slower or more casual players will realize the boredom eventually, just give them time. Blizzard can pump resources in to try to salvage D4 like they did with D3 but there’s no guarantee it gets rebuilt to an acceptable level.

The forums are fine since you can just drop by, see if anything is happening and go do something else. It helps to just ignore the “Everything is fine” trolls and white knights who ironically are always there to defend the game and not actually playing the game. I just skim past their posts when I see the same names saying the same nonsense.

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My friends soft-quit. No one says it’s a bad game but we rather go hang at pubs than play the game.


yea the game is worldleading in making gamers go out in the real world and interact instead of beeing inside.

that has to be great tho :smiley:

but the absolute best thing is that instead of waiting and hoping for d4 to become acceptable. i found other games that i can get my dopamine from and never look back to this crap

edit: dont forget to unsub on the utubers still trying to boost the game. that cash thing will hurt blizz



Nobody cares, even Lizzard doesn’t care.


Well thats typical of many games really- Big pile of people at the start, rapidly tapering off as people rush through it and move on to the next shiny thing, or just dont like it much in the first place. For D4 I’d go with the problems are that people can burn through it, multiple times even, in such a short time, and that there’s not much to hold interest as an endgame compared to D3. I liked collecting recipes and making sets of armor, or hunting for hellfire ring bits, or doing the occasional cow level. I dont care about seasons, and I dont care about way overpriced store items. 8 bucks for the simplest skins, up to 34 bucks for fancier sets? Half the price of the full game nearly for a single skin set? Not a chance. A quarter of that price I might bite on a few selected items, but at these prices, not a chance in hell. I’ll spend cash on stuff that I like, lord knows I spent enough in world of tanks- every tech tree tank in the game bought, fully geared and fully painted, along with a solid selection of premium tanks. But D4 store stuff, at current prices? Not a chance.

And I dont know what he was actually like in the office to know whether the complaints were fully-justified, overblown, or outright lies (my money is on mostly overblown, with a modest kernel of truth, along with some outright lies) but for raiding (in games that have raids)? I’d raid with Furor again in a heartbeat.

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Mine too. They didn’t even start a season and when they’re on they’re off within an hour.

The loot is trash. The loop is trash. The mount is trash. The crafting is trash. The dungeons are trash. The bosses are trash (well, except the ones we only fight once…gee thanks blizz for this other new feature no one asked for) Another clear example of this game devolving and that this developers are broken to say the least.

There is no vision.

There is no road map.

There is a broken horse and players standing trying to decipher BS affixes until they get frustrated for the 30th time in 30 minutes and straight Alt-F4.

ZOS has had a road map for ESO since day 1 release April 14, 2014 for every single quarter.

Activision is a disgrace and deserves nothing but seething rage and hate from the consumer and the workers that have a damn heart.

These white knights are just like that old anti-vaccin karen grandma who knows you’re deadly sick but wont let you get any vaccine or remedy stating that youre fine, that life is what it is, god knows better and you just have to wait and see. And then you die and its your fault you didnt praise jesus enought.

That said, my friends also quit the game, silently and so did i, … and its liberating. Sometimes let it go is all you can do.

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I uninstalled the game and I don’t miss it even the slightest.


If you are dying from cc on a barb you are playing them wrong… This is def a troll post. out of all classes you say barb the best CC handler in the game. LIAR! or ya suck at the class. Seriously out of all classes to pick for cc lol.

But your on its forums after uninstalling it? Seems like a no life issue lol. No wonder your mad at life not the game lol.

Dumping on a bad game is great toilet entertainment.


Sure make a post then leave siting on its forums is a mental issue.

I uninstalled a week before season 1. Forums are a great space to post how i feel about the game, and to keep track of whats in the now diablo. Why are you so rude especially with 2k activity. Until i see actual well thought out change that improves the game i will have nothing to say good about it. Its funny to i see some neat improvements then hear a week later how they shadow nerfed other things with out informing community.

He’s just waiting for Wednesday’s patch notes and then complaining on the forums about changes in a game he doesn’t play anymore.
Everyone has their own goals :wink:

I’ve been playing WoW for a long time and had a lot of fun doing it, and was also surfing the WoW forums at the time.
Eventually I didn’t enjoy it anymore and just stopped.
No one on the forums found out about this, nor did I complain that I wasn’t having fun anymore because that’s not the game’s fault, it just happens or maybe it was my own fault and I overdid it.
And I haven’t been on the WoW forums a minute since I quit.
If I want to know what’s going on in WoW, I go to the WoW homepage or to well-established sites like wowhead etc.
Dragonflight didn’t convince me either, but that’s why I don’t go to the WoW forum and complain that Dragonflight doesn’t meet my expectations.
I just don’t play it.
But a lot of other people are playing it and having fun with it and that’s a good thing and I begrudge them all.

mine too after we are 100 … nobody wants to play anymore

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Don’t pay attention to these losers putting you down. They are a perfect example of how the internet is destroying civil society. In person, the underlying threat of violence for nasty things you say is ever present, and keeps things mostly civil. Online here, you can say whatever effed up thing you want to about people and nothing happens, so they type the first thought that comes into their tiny little brains, because critical thinking is something they haven’t been taught in the poor excuses for schools that exist these days.

I only play 20 minutes a day and so did my group of RL friends I started with. We never see each other on anymore. My friends list is also all offline.

stop reading after that … nobody has RL friends

its realy hard there are also RL issues over here and atm im struggle to play at all i just want to lay on my bad and sleep

Hahaha no its you and your friends who are boring… who tf would still play this poop game… is terrible! Worst 60 quid ive ever spent! And i spent 100 quid on shadowlands!!!

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