All my friends quit

My friends quit. I quit. Watching other people quit. Honestly it’s just a bummer they released this game in it’s current condition. D4 is about 1-2 years away from being ready for launch. Releasing the game now likely did irreversible damage. Again just a bummer.


I have no friends, only have my inner demons. They play D4 24/7 so I have no reason to quit. Hoping female Druid to lose weight and female Necromancer getting boob implants.

I agree with you. This game sucks.


This game is designed for casuals who will spend months until they realise that the game sucks


Dude i havent played this booring slog fest game since 6th of june or something

It was a mouse in his pocket.

I uninstalled the game at the beginning of the Season 1 after I understood a season is the same boring sh**.

The forum is more fun than the game.


I would not worry too much about it. People will come back and check it out again as content improves over time.

They were right to quit, it’s a trash game. d1 good d2 good d3 good (well I didn’t like it but a lot of people did) d4 bad

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Blizzard does’t care now. They already sold enough copies to consider the operation profitable. They are already working on Diablo 5 and they are deciding which sh** they gonna make for us dumbs ready to buy a 70€ game without content.


you’re either bored hating the game, or bored in denial and pretending you love the game on forums - the latter has a MUCH ruder awakening xD

so sad … i am playing remnant from the ashes 2 from last nigh .
all my friends go there … and diablo nerf everything non stop
what to do here alone and with no group finder or anything like it

thats a shooter game, if your playing as a Barb you dont care for shooters most likely.
Playing melee vs ranged is totally different.

Its the entire reason, why no matter how good the game is… i wont touch it either.

It could have been amazing. Blizz could have had such a boost to their reputation with this as well. All they showed us is that they’re greedy and untrustworthy.

Yeah maybe 2 years later if blizzard already didn’t push people away forever with their greed.

…but im still playing niahahahahaaaa… meet you ingame :woman_elf:

your friends are very smart

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most of us did quit this lame game. there is just the slow ones left who still hasnt understand the boredom

I saw a barb today at legion. Those are endangered animals i tell u, hardly see them in the wild anymore. Gotta treat them with lots of love and respect.

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You went hard in tje paint tjere hitting any wrong button on your tiny mobile phone keyboard, right? Even crazier than I do usually.