All My Favorite Skills Are Absolutely Terrible In Endgame

Chain Lightning.
Blood Lance.
Lightning Storm.

A few more I’ve not tested but there’s so many that fall off hard around late 30’s in pit.
I don’t want to play Bash barb. Want to try WW maybe but I feel like it’ll be the same issue on pit bosses. Might go boring Double Swing. But I feel like something fun 'n flashy :confused:


Sounds like it’s time to get some new favorites!

Jokes aside maybe they’ll buff them next season. Wouldn’t even claim to know the first thing about sorc skills though. Blood Lance I thought was in a decent state, but I know builds vary, optimization, player skill, etc.


I’ve not tried BL yet this season but iirc, it never even appeared on the bottom of the tier list last time I checked where all builds were ranked.
I know Blood Nova (minions?) is apparently good.

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well, sadly not every build wins in a season. That being said, id personally always stick to a build that i like. You might be slower in progressing the pit, yes, personally thats a price im willing to pay if i prefer the build.


Have to take those tier lists with a bucket load of salt honestly. Things change quite often, and the issue is no one tends to go back to those builds to see if there’s a new interaction of some sort that was overlooked. It’ll always be some random player that’s not a streamer that figures it out, then it spreads from there.

Not saying Blood Lance is amazing, just saying people tend to ignore skills when it’s not glorified by websites and streamers, which then never update builds when things change.


I can only speak for Sorc this season so far and that is the worst class for pit by far compared to everyone else.
Sorc seems great for Helltides and NMD but when you get mid pit the boss-killing ain’t there.


I’ve been playing whirlwind double swing with dust devils. It’s fun to play. Still working on it but I’m up to pit 79. It’s not the greatest DPS but I’m sure there’s room for improvement in it.

I want to avoid bash for as long as I can and see if I can at least get this build into the 90s. Not sure it’s capable for 100 though.

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It’s ok play a bugged build Blizzard leaves them in the game because they don’t want to upset players.


I don’t know why this isn’t updated 1000 times. It’s been that way every season. The top performing builds have almost always been due to bugs and unintended interactions.

Not everything is going to be balanced, but at least make an effort to get closer and squash the bugs. To the people crying about bugs being fixed, please stop. It’s all gimme gimme around here and when developers listen to that too strongly it ruins games.

Now please excuse me, I gotta prepare for those 3 sec world bosses on Tuesday. Maybe I’ll get lucky and the other members all AFK so I can see a boss actually spawn.

They tried to buff Meteor with that new unique turning it into a cooldown skill. It’s stronger, but not as strong as it needs to be and ironically just made it worse on bosses. :frowning:

So many skills that need some kind of density suffer on dungeon/world bosses because of the lack of fodder monsters around.

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Lightning storm was S or A tier in season 3.

Love chain lightning myself as well.

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The CD sucks unless you get a near-perfect roll and have some CDR on your gear.

As for lucky hit chance, Fireball is the only decent way I can proc meteors from the chant. Incinerate and Hydra barely and rarely proc.
I do want to like Starfall Coronet though, you’re right.

My dream build is Hydra/Meteor/Firewall. Cover the screen in the cleansing fires!

But it’s terrible. Most builds don’t even use 2 active skills, let alone 3.

Yep, I got to farming pit 61s and was tired of spending too much time on bosses so I rolled a minion necro and now I’m facerollimg pit 41 solo without pressing a single button currently at lvl 80 lmao. Sorc is such a slog this season :frowning:

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D4 does not allow fun. Took the most boring class/build in diablo history and made it good. Took the only class that somewhat resembles fun and constantly nerfs it into the dirt.
Worse with sorc. Been the weakest defensive class and keeps nerfing those defenses more.
Amazing a typical summon necro build uses 5 or more legendary nodes. Typical sorc builds use between 0 and 1.

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I think so (Blood Surge), I have taken Minions pretty far with this build and Deathspeaker’s Pendant before this season. So it could have only gotten better this season.

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Because only abilities like Bash that get massive multiplicative bonuses work in current meta. Same with Heartseeker Victimize. Core skills are literally useless at the moment.

My alt is playing Hota, Arreats call and the new Yens boots. Ablosutly no single target damage on Boss. Fun build to play but Nm Dungeon 100 was a 6 min Boss fight, lol. Ya i would say the need to work on Balance lol.

Absolutely, my #1 problem in the game is I must use skills and play styles I don’t like in order to be able to clear higher tier NMs or Bosses … And Sorcerer is full of it…


Kinda wish I went Necro but I’m lvl barb now for Double Swing and letting some dusties take care of AoE. Gonna see how it goes.

I noticed I am dying more/easier on Duriel this season. Cannot face tank him much as Sorc.

Kinda wanna try a rogue as well but using Precision capstone and Skyhunter bow with Rapid Fire.
Feel like the AoE would.