All My Favorite Skills Are Absolutely Terrible In Endgame

It’s definitely possible. I’ve completed a tier 96 and still had about 6 minutes remaining. The bosses do start to feel quite tanky though.

You shall play Basic skills this season, this is Blizzard wish. they already denied the FIX of Bash Barb which is 10x better than anything else because of a bug, they announced the FIX in patch notes 1.4.1 then here on forums some Blizzard representants told us that will not happen even if it is on patch notes… …q

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Does anyone remember the vending machines with toys in small plastic bubbles? I used to see them alot as a kid in malls. Put a dollar in and turn the knob but it was random what toy you got? That feels like how blizzard chooses what builds are op each season. They put their dollar in and randomly get one. Or they draw builds from a hat lmao. I can’t wait for decompose to be the big op build one day :joy:

Add melee Druid to the list. Pulverize/Shred can be enhanced, but has no synergy to speak of. Watching a Storm Druid just 6 levels above me clear NMD 60 was depressing.

The game is better but still a work in progress. The new loot system makes 95% of the uniques worthless because the tempering system is so much more powerful.

I’m sure the balance of items and classes will swing wildly the next couple of seasons before going all in on the new class which will be the most OP in order to drive sales.

Until then nearly everything is viable despite what the tier lists say. But every build, including those “S” tier builds has a limitation.

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Thing with incinerate you need to remember is its a channeling and dot skill, so it does not benefit from things like OP. It’s been a time since i played my fire sorc. but you need to look at how to best support that skill in a different light and ones that can OP.

I am still wrapping my head around the new affix’s for things we used to have, so DOT is now consolidated to damage over time. things like like instead of fire dmg over time. I forget what else helps support incinerate. Often though there can be setups needed for some skills, versus others that stand more alone and deal raw power. I think the intention is to add depth to how you play, for eample my WW dust devil barb is less involved than a WM bleed barb or something like that.

Not saying there isn’t a issue there may be, and right now i am faced with the DR issue some are talking about, even with all caps, I took huge frost dmg, and yeah i am going to need to figure it out i guess or there may be issues. First that comes to mind is my supporting attributes are on the floor, but i am trying to hang in there because what has also happened this season is i blasted my way to WT4 and endgame so i am running high levels sometimes 30 above, with average gear, nothing masterworked etc, glyphs are unlevelled etc, so maybe the attributes points from boards and sockets will be enough down the line, not sure, But relative to the past seasons my character feels like a glass cannon and i have no way to fix that right now.

So just a example of teething issues we are all going to have aster a re-work, not only for ourselves getting tripped up on old system thinking, but also it’s possible things are going to be out of sorts. I Imagine this is all setup work for the Xpac, as these are just seasons in a online live service game, and this is typically how it works for most of them, for better and for worse.

If you get frustrated i suggest making a alt, if you are looking to complete seasons and get out, and push whatever for the seasonal journey, i found that refreshing to mix it up grinding out the pass. and things like the iron wolf track in previous seasons. Have fun but sometimes we have to understand the environment we a gaming in.

Define terrible.

I can see a Lightning Storm Pit102 clear in the maxroll ranking for example.

Most skills (not all) are be able to clear Pit61; after that it’s just bragging rights.


Not sure what you mean by OP? Overpower? Incinerate doesn’t benefit from that?
I’ve read Incinerate is and isn’t a DoT so who even knows how the skill works now. I just try to get straight fire dmg as I’m not sure if fire dot does anything.

I’m doing Double Swing with devils now and its single target doesn’t feel too good, but I’m still working on the build. I find I need to use Ancients on bosses and elites to do any real dmg.

I’m finding that hard to believe for Lightning Storm…I imagine the boss takes 10min to clear at that lvl with that skill.

I gave up on high 30’s with Incinerate. It felt way too glass cannon and bosses too forever.

Lighting storm terrible ? Where ? I melt everything with him.
Do you even know i need to press and hold the button to lighting storm grows up ?
The same for chain lighting but it needs a unique item to empower.

The whole Pit102 has taken him 8 minutes, so I imagine the boss took him less than 10.

Feel free to google “S4 Pit Ladder” Maxroll → filter by Druid → Each clear has provided a video.

main problem I have is that sorceress has laughably bad single target damage. clearing trash mobs is insanely fast with frost nova, etc. but then you get to a boss and it just takes forever to kill them while they can just oneshot you

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Yep! I think the Unique Aspect of new Amulet Fractured Winterglass should change from “Casting Frozen Orb…” to “Casting Core skill…” and it would be better.
Current Frozen Orb build too weak right now if you dont have at least 2 Uber Unique in your build…