After Spiritborn

I want paladin after spiritborn

That would be better for sure.

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Paladin in D2 is mostly Blessed Hammer. Think of it more as spell than melee attack. The build uses caster items. I want good balance so for this class to be good in melee instead.

I donā€™t see a lot of shield in the data mining for it. Thereā€™s only 1 shield skill and a thorns skill. Most of it is movement and nature-based summoning. The official image shows a glaive, which looks two-handed by its size.

Better off waiting until the details are revealed in the July developer stream to be sure.

Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, the general consensus is that people want a dedicated shield class, something akin to Paladin/Crusader.

you are wrong. this is not the general consensus

General consensus of a small minority within the forums, and possibly other outlets. Couldnā€™t say for the entire player base of course.

Wouldnā€™t bug me personally for example if they never added this type of class to the game. Wouldnā€™t bug me if they did though either.

Iā€™d love to see more than 1 class released with an expansion though if weā€™re being honest. Donā€™t care what they are, as long as theyā€™re fun.

specifically reading the replies on this thread, not in broader sense of general consensus (outside of this thread)

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Woah, slow your role cowboy. What do you think this is, 2001? We donā€™t evolve around here.

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there are as many people wanting something not paladin/crusader as there are wanting paladin/crusader. to claim there is a general consensus is a misrepresentation of facts and reality

Sadly I know itā€™ll never happen outside of an MMORPG, and even then FFXIV has been the only consistent one to do so. Most just rework their skill systems and call it done. Ah well a man can dream right?

I am not one of the people clamoring for the ā€œSword and Board Holy Classā€ but I kind of think that should be next.

If it was up to me Iā€™d like a Javalin (D2 Amazon) style class to be brought into the game next. Probably not a 1:1 with the D2 class as itā€™d overlap with Rogue too much but another class where you can throw + melee a javalin =)

It takes Blizzard 4 years (every other expansion) to create a new class in WoW and itā€™s almost always not what people have asked for (same with races and lazy allied races).

Even though theyā€™re planning annual expansions for Diablo 4, I donā€™t think a new class every time is guaranteed.


Yeah they did it with D2 expansion but nowadays they canā€™t while they have a freakin mtx shop in gameā€¦ Paladin and Spiritborn would be great pair in Vessel of Hatred. One old class that people really want and a fresh new one.


an amazon wouldnt be too bad, but i agree it would end up being too much overlap with rogue.

New class. I call it ā€œclass balanced sorceressā€. Itā€™ll be a huge hit.

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the answer is simple

i want paladin : )

I want a Red Robin burger with steak fries and a cold one. :hamburger: :fries: :beer: My wife said maybe at the end of 2025.

Are there really any games where the classes, factions, races or skills are ever balanced? Something is always overpowered, another is under, a few are decent, some are trash. Itā€™s the same story every time.

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We need the Paladin for sure after spiritborn.