After Spiritborn

Do you want a brand new class again? Or the return of a class that already exists in Diablo?

Not really sure about the Spiritborn he looks like a jungle monk to me, we will know more next month. How about for the next expansion they do one new class and one old one. No matter what they do some people will complain.


There’s a big gap missing where the Paladin should be. After that they can do whatever.


I don’t rly miss paladin but it’s totally understandable that ppl actually do, so as not a gatekeeper they should go for that. No holy dmg in a diablo game lol…

New class one expansion, following expansion: add new things to current classes, Sorc can learn Arcane, Barb can train shield, Rogue can learn nunchucks lol or something new, Necro can learn uwu etc etc

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I want my Holy dmg paladin class.

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I don’t care much for it either but can’t deny that it’s a staple in Diablo games (and Warcraft for that matter). And there’s no real shield bearing, damage absorbing class in a medieval RPG, that’s just wrong.

i wouldnt mind a paladin thing as the next class but lets be honest, people will still complain.

id say, lets first of all see how the spiritborn works out.

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I hope they add double, barb. Its barb but its just 2x as strong for no reason.

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Yup. Paladin actually arrives, people will expect it to be like D2 Paladin - then get angry it isn’t. Then the other half complain it’s either too strong or too weak.

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Return of all the previous classes to fight Tormented Uber Diablo World Boss.

i hope its a new class again. maybe something dark. like had been corrupted by lilith but broke free of her control.

Like the Undead in Warcraft?

interesting comparison. but i wouldnt recommend an undead class

maybe some kind of warlock class though and our powers are derived from the demonic and having been corrupted by lilith

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I didn’t mean exactly that class, but the idea behind it. Blizzard uses that stuff a lot anyway, especially with heroes and villains.

i personally am going to wait though to see how the spiritborn play style is. because how its playstyle is really would determine if we need a more ranged or melee type of class.

i love barb, but i want variety with melee. and tb rogue was old by mid s1. druid can do melee yes, but i hate wolf builds. i prefer pulverize and i dont consider that melee because its a screen clearer basically

There’s probably still room for a Paladin and Ranger. Spiritborn sounds like a monk / witch doctor.

I would love a sword & board class. Call it vanilla but it’s up there with my favourite RPG archetypes.

well from what we see spiritborn is basically sword and board. from what we have seen its glaive and shield right?

                                                                                             Return of the Demon Hunter or Amazon as well as the return of Strafe with the Class