After hearing LIVE QA on Diablo 4 i can say that Joe Shely ( Game Dircetor ) never PLAYED the game

This is most of my problem with it. These are very vague and based on history, they said before this last patch there wouldn’t be nerfs anymore for a while. Then the next immediate patch is just mostly nerfs.

There should have been more details about the plans for 1.1.1

I have little faith in abstract plans to better the game while mentioning only a handful of changes (some still bad, and unaddressed like arbitrarily 2 more seconds of tp).

This feels like an emergency pr stunt and nothing else. Actions speak louder than words and maybe next week’s patch is insane, but I have my heavy doubts and will be here next week to voice that when/if I’m correct. And I’m willing to bet they won’t care at that point because the steam will have run out by then as people give up.

They are merely weathering the storm as they have with every game for the last 5+years.

Forgive my pessimism, but Blizzard had had a worse and worse track record as the years have gone on, and they tend to repeat the same pattern of mistakes like clockwork.

I’m sure you know some of them and in sure they are great people but something has got to give.


There’s no passion. These guys didn’t grow up playing Diablo 1 and 2. It’s just a job for them.


It would be the right direction for a beta testing phase, for a product they sell for full price and keep gouging players for more money like MTX and BP it’s unacceptable how bad it is managed.

Btw there is no double verification if you want to enable the BP or not and the default option is to activate it, when you use a controller, which is a no go for an honest company. Feature, bug, or just another oversight?


Here have another :heart: for this post. I’m out of blue hearts and it reflects a lot of my thoughts, too.

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Thank you. It’s truly disappointing that they didn’t have anything more to share. I was expecting a 3 hour detailed stream but I should have known better.

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yea 3 hours ago you said you are out , now you are back again .

Biggest troll ever , nobody take what you said seriously.

But then we get it , while it is still hot now link your social media and twitch so we can all report you .

I’m a glutton for misery. :partying_face:

I’ll take that bet.

You’re full of crap, and you can see it on twitter.

Please send the money to via paypal. Can also provide venmo details.

I’m gonna go pick out mansions.

Thanks dude :slight_smile:

Also, you know that there is no way to complete a tier 50 nightmare dungeon outside of wt4…right? So…specifying “tier 50” and “in wt4” is a bit redundant…

He lacks serious confidence in his product and has no idea really. The QA campfire just looked like a grovelling fest and them justifying their decisions.

But in saying that, he is the director of the game, its not really his job to play or understand the synergy of the game, thats why he has department leads who should be subject matter experts on these things.

But if this is the problem, it literally doesn’t matter whether they personally played the patch build and thought it was fine or didn’t play it at all. They have people whose job it is to play the game and give them a diverse set of opinions. They need to listen to those people and the community over their own experience, especially since they have less time to play it than the folks whose job it is.

Don’t worry I delivered it for you

s1 is a lame joke, the patch was planned to make us so dissapointed that we would not notice what utter trash s1 is. That quest line was a joke. the gems are a joke do they even work ? i cant tell i just seem to be fearing my own character. my bags are full of crap i have no space for anything. I dont think any of these dev’s even play their own game.

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I disagree. As harsh as I am on this patch issue, let’s not start singling out people unless they make some really poor statements that need to be addressed. Joe Shely seems like someone who is passionate underneath about making games. Joe Shely did his best to answer a technical question. Let the man have some space and please Blizzard, let the man get take a day or two off seriously. I have a feeling he could use it. Then he can come back and focus on making the game better which is what we all want.

i thought he might of had a hangover from season 1 company celebration but thats just me.

All i got to say is “WE HEAR YOU”

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if they said “Sorcs are doing so well right now, they are hands down the tankiest”

you would know

now just stop

He seems to be more statistic/math/idea guy I think he might be doing too much in the weeds work and may need to focus more on delegating but who knows.

The Game Director leads the overall vision of the product, which includes gameplay, story, audio assets, cinematics and marketing materials Who leads the itemization team? Who leads the skills team? Is there even teams that focus on these vital aspects of ARPG? Items feel like an afterthought… Also they need to buff uniques drastically… some of them are boring boring boring

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I think the best way to look at this is Blizzard screwed up QC real bad and a bunch of dumb builds snuck into release.

So now they’re basically using at launch data to figure out what builds are huge problems, figured out that it was a really stupid decision to have 2 multiplicative damage stats and instead of doing the smart thing by making one of them additive + buffing that previously multiplicative stat to compensate they just did a blanket, completely untargeted nerf.

This is phase 1 of a 2 to 3 step process.

Next they need another month-ish of data to mull over and determine what is now under and over performing according to their KPIs (key performance indicators) and buff or nerf said builds accordingly.

Ideally this should have been done in closed beta because it creates a sloppy mess that pisses everyone off when you do it a month after launch especially since it’s going to be another 1-2 months before this patch cycle comes full circle.

Clearly there were balls dropped here during development. I think it’s largely due to the closer they brought in who rushed aspects they shouldn’t have. Which to be fair is their job, to get derailed products back on track for release…but there are things one shouldn’t skimp on…


I mean, that’s a pretty low bar to offer as an alternative.

I got the opposite from the campfire that you did - they produced mostly incoherent word salad without any solid, actionable follow-up. It went like every single design meeting I’ve ever attended: we understand your questions and concerns, and here’s why they are essentially going to be ignored, and we are going to do what we have already decided to do. I hope you all understand.

I do know those guys were not necessarily the architects of the patch 1.1 mess, and may even have argued against parts of it, lost the discussion, and then were sent in to defend it. There is nothing specific against them personally.

But I also know I have to deal with that exact dysfunction and its inevitable outcomes at work. I’m not going to excuse it in my games.


I highly Doubt you have that good telepath skills.

See what you want though.

Post your game when you make it.

Judging Devs, back-seating and imagining what you don’t know as fact, is stupid.

Maybe you are right.

But i doubt it.Yeah he probably didn’t no life the game 16hrs a day.

Probably has other things to do in his job and life.