After hearing LIVE QA on Diablo 4 i can say that Joe Shely ( Game Dircetor ) never PLAYED the game

Or the opposite. Have you ever heard the expression that a person “missed the forest for the trees”. It means they are so down in the details and inner workings that they lose sight of the big picture. That is one of the reasons it takes teams to do things. Different perspectives matter. Anyone who has worked with engineers of any sort is probably familiar with it. Heh. “Yeah you can make a really cool thing, but does anyone actually NEED that thing and how would they use it?”.

You’re 100% right. It is stable, classes are fun and balanced, there’s a ton of content, and the loot is awesome.

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I realized that he was giving signs to other Joe for more explanation.

Yeah, it has it’s issues too. At least the cake is baked. Get it on a steam sale. Plenty of different builds to try. Got far more enjoyment trying oddball stuff, than being forced to follow a POE guide. Screw that maze of a skill tree and their love of one shot mechanics every season.

And unlike POE is still on my hard drive when the internet drops.


BRO i 100% agree it took them this long to see barb and sorc are weak and does not have many viable build for end game no way they play this game at all :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I think S5 is going on atm. RektbyProtoss is a God.

What a surprise. That is what it is like in most work sectors. People just drifting along clueless waiting for their pay check every month.


I think you misinterpret what I said.
Blizzard makes a patch →
QA tests it (supposedly) and says its good to go
community says this is broken
community manager delivers said broken problem to blizzard that QA should have caught.

For example: Why is there resistance on malignant gem when resistances don’t work? QA job.
players want a stash tab? community manager job.

Right now, when they increased the dungeon exit from 3 to 5 seconds, the animation for leaving the dungeon loops at 4 seconds.
Please tell me they have a QA team and also why does the community have to find something so simple to give as feedback to the developers.


You are the QA dept.

That is basically the point i’m making

To me they just come across as totally oblivious as to what the game should be and Blizzard sold everyone an early access version of a game for full price.


Joe Skelly has been with blizzard for almost 20 years according to LinkedIn. That much time in the shadow of the greats apparently does not account for much.

Joe Skelly looks like he’s been running on adderall for years. Alabama Complexion.

I’d like them to do either, but right now it’s neither. No concrete plans were laid in today’s stream. They just made sweeping generalizations and didn’t get into specifics and showed no action. It felt like the mere pr stunt that it was. There is no urgency with these changes as they pan out over many months.

They also didn’t address some major concerns like poor itemization that has been reoccurring feedback. If they don’t agree with feedback that’s got a lot of support from the community then they need to say least address it and say why rather than ignore it all together.

I have 0 faith for the future of this game after that stream. The only improvement was that Rod wasn’t there to waste time repeating things and making inappropriate jokes wasting the already short hour.


Didn’t enhance his performance at all. :stuck_out_tongue:

YUP. I work in a different sector of tech and there’s so many useless people. They eventually get promoted or leave for greener pastures. This is why we stopped hiring people with only degrees and only hire people with real experience and stellar references.

Maybe he’s on the down side of amphetamine mountain.

Welcome to the reality introduced by someone who has been infected with the nonsense brain wasting contradictions of egalitarianism.

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Whats dumb to be about the nightmare dungeons are the elites themselves are hard to kill than the end boss. To top it off you have like 3 quills all with ice shooting you simultaniously locking you down until you die.

I did not get the same conclusion you did I guess.

  • Hotfix today should address Nightmare difficulty to lower it and enable more builds to be viable at end game. They talked about addressing density as well, but not sure if that is the hotfix or the patch. Notes for Hotfix will be out today.
  • Patch 1.1.1 is in a week and a half-ish with the Livestream to explain more next Friday. They did talk about a lot of things that will be in it already.
  • Multiple patches will happen DURING the season to address feedback.
  • Some changes are going to be later and they have been honest about that - Leaderboards around Season 3, Gems on the Material stab in Season 2. Looking into how to deal with affixes taking up stash space, etc.

They were actually pretty good about:

  • Acknowledging a lot of the player issues
  • Explaining why they had made the decisions they did along with the mechanics related to it. Might be too much detail for some.
  • Explaining what they intended to do about many of the issues
  • Telling us when those changes will happen. Many are near term and some are longer term.

It was overall good in tone. They did not pretend there were not problems or that players were not happy. They committed to never doing a patch like that again, and to also communicating changes at least 2 weeks in advance for big patches. I would personally prefer a PTR as well, but we shall see what they do.

Nobody is going to have all their personal issues with D4 addressed. I think we all have different key items and a different view on priorities.

I felt it went the right direction though. They did not sit up there and laugh, make fun of players, act like nothing was wrong with their game or their patch direction.