After hearing LIVE QA on Diablo 4 i can say that Joe Shely ( Game Dircetor ) never PLAYED the game

I do not share the opinion.

I don’t think you have taken the time to think about the perspective of a dev and how it is different from the perspective of a player. You can be both a dev and a player at the same time, but when players are asking questions, they expect the dev to answer.

A common example of this is the relationship between kids and dads. It is common for kids to think that dads don’t know what it is like to be a kid, but this is untrue. Dads just got to be dads for the sake of the kid.

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Last Epoch is great aside from one glaring issue…5 skill slots. Just can’t get past that when playing. Feels even more limiting than D4.

It’s not low IQ, you just disagree with it. People like you set the bar low when they refuse to acknowledge what’s blatantly obvious to anyone that’s not mindlessly infatuated with the game.

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Proof? Just claiming he’s played doesn’t prove he has.


There are literally mechanics in the game that do not work, features that are dead because they have fundamental design flaws. That doesn’t happen when the developers play their own game, at least not when they’re competent.

The devs themselves have repeatedly admitted on the streams that they don’t even know the mechanics of their own game. They have yet to acknowledge the design flaws in Sorc as a class, or Vulnerable as a mechanic, or the Paragon Board. Hell, they claimed NM dungeons aren’t “push content” despite you literally having to push to level up gems.

They couldn’t even put into words why resistances are bad and simply tried to excuse their poor design by saying “we think players don’t quite understand how resistances work at higher world tiers” when they’re the ones who unironically don’t understand how resistances work at any tier. That’s why exactly why their “fix” (whenever it comes) will be poorly conceived. You simply cannot competently fix a problem that you don’t understand.

You can keep defending the Devs and thinking that because they’re nice people that means they have a clue what they’re doing, but the reality is they’re beyond lost & misleading their workers as well as the players, and it’s obvious to anyone who isn’t infatuated with the game.

I have had the chance to sit down and talk with him several times at Blizzcons. Smart guy who is very into the deeper game mechanics and details. Quiet and polite. Talking about playing the game is as natural as breathing - he works on it, he plays it. He is not someone who tends to be public about it though. John Yang on the other hand was really into specifically class mechanics and played top end pushes every season. He moved to the WoW team sometime during Legion I think?

I realize it is easy to just make a comment like that, but it would be very hard to be on the Diablo team and not play their games. Given I have directly talked to him about it, I will just trust he was honest. It was a relaxed conversation, not a presentation.

It would be quite easy to not play and the visible evidence of horrible balance and lack of QOL features far outweighs the claims that he does play. No one who plays the game would have let it go to launch in the state it did, much less push out not one, but two horrendous patches. The evidence says he doesn’t play D4. Maybe he plays other ARPGs, but there’s no way he can claim to play D4 with the state it’s in.

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the statues that i got are all gone in hardcore and nobody helps with anything just with generic answers, and yes, I called the other characters and I had everything released and now the statues disappeared but the rest was released,

how will he like the mechanics of the game if the game has no mechanics? The only thing they know how to put in the game is to take time to do something or to huff and nerf something , that 's the mechanics of the game , it takes time to do so it 's difficult and that 's difficult , it takes time to do or progress , a joke , typical of a poser player who just enters the game and guesses about appearances , like judging a book by its cover , a lot of hypocrisy and falsehood in these people involved in the game , it will never be something spectacular , just another dirty job It’s lazy that only fools the inexperienced, you can fool these simple people here, but I’ve lived with many types of people, being a programmer and working in the army made me understand this very well, things are always different from what people who only live on rumors think.

The Devs that built the game aren’t the devs that are working on it now.

They claimed NM dungeons aren’t endgame content. And no, you don’t have to push to level up gems, you can reach max level gems running NM dungeons you are comfortable with. In season 0, there was no reason to push NM dungeons except for bragging rights. The loot didn’t even scale with NM Dungeon tiers. In Season 1, you only need to push a Tier 43 to complete the seasons journey, which is laughable, especially after the NM Dungeon nerfs.

Both true. They didn’t design the system in the first place, and we haven’t seen the backend of the system at all. Yeah, we can say you know how math works, but that doesn’t tell us what exist now, and it sure as hell doesn’t tell us how to fix it.

Terrible assumption. I rate the game as a 6/10, that’s right, I do not think Diablo is a good game, it is passible at best. Would I knowingly pay $90 for a 6/10 game? No. Do I feel cheated? Yes. However, I am able to look pass those feelings and see what is really going on.

Do you think the Devs wanted to release a game using mechanics they didn’t understand and piss off all of their players? Hell no. If they had the option, they would take the time to understand how the game works so they could push out content that they’re proud of.

However, Blizzard isn’t run by devs. It is run by the guys with the money that said this game is coming out whether you’re ready or not. Season 1 is dropping no matter if you’re ready or not. These guys essentially said fiscal deadlines are more important than player satisfaction.

So, be mad at the devs if you don’t like where the game is going, sure. But be mad at the decision makers for D4 being released unfinished and with a team that is completely unprepared.

What a silly, nonsensical, copium thing to say.

They claimed NM dungeons aren’t endgame content. And no, you don’t have to push to level up gems, you can reach max level gems running NM dungeons you are comfortable with. In season 0, there was no reason to push NM dungeons except for bragging rights. The loot didn’t even scale with NM Dungeon tiers. In Season 1, you only need to push a Tier 43 to complete the seasons journey, which is laughable, especially after the NM Dungeon nerfs.

If you want to spend an absurd amount of hours to reach max level gems, sure. The reality is nobody is going to do that. But nice attempt at trying to argue semantics to mindlessly defend a game that you’re infatuated with. NM dungeons are endgame content, and they are the only push content in the game.

Both true. They didn’t design the system in the first place, and we haven’t seen the backend of the system at all. Yeah, we can say you know how math works, but that doesn’t tell us what exist now, and it sure as hell doesn’t tell us how to fix it.

What I said is true, what they said isn’t true. We don’t need to see the backend to know this because some of us can do math beyond an elementary level. There would be nothing to fix if they didn’t deviate from a system that already worked for funsies and created a worse, broken system in the process. Keep defending it, though.

Terrible assumption. I rate the game as a 6/10, that’s right, I do not think Diablo is a good game, it is passible at best. Would I knowingly pay $90 for a 6/10 game? No. Do I feel cheated? Yes. However, I am able to look pass those feelings and see what is really going on.

What you say and what you’re doing do not align. I don’t care what you rated the game. You’re mindlessly defending blatant flaws for whatever stupid reason. I couldn’t care less. Ignoring you now.

This isn’t even an argument, this is just insults.

Prove it. Not even just you. Show me anyone who can confidently show how resistances work up to world tier 5, the solution to the problem, and how exactly to implement said solution.

The devs say they aren’t endgame content. Don’t know what else to tell you. Yeah, the devs messed up by not telling us that they weren’t endgame content before the players decided they were endgame. But I’m starting to get into logic and semantics, something that you clearly do not appreciate.

This says it all. You’re so far away from controlling your own feelings of anger, that you can’t even fathom the idea of someone else in the same situation as you choosing to not lash out in anger.

I want to say ‘stay mad’, but there would be no point, you have no idea how to not be mad.

One of the things I really wish they’d comment on is why they felt the need to obsfuscate the barrier UI on the player end. Previously when you had a barrier it highlighted an amount relative to your maximum HP on the globe. Now it’s just a rather difficult to see pale hue change that covers the whole globe and prevents the player from knowing when their shield is about to be torn down. I mean they had a UI that matched PoE’s with regard to shields and then obsfuscated it. Why?

exactly :wink: i kind of believe some people disagree just to be the opposite no matter how bad it is

That’s right. They don’t read spreadsheets or analytics - they do whatever the monetization team tells them to do. Did you know Blizzard’s monetization team employs several licensed psychologists to help make the game more addictive and less expensive to produce? Just like Tobacco.

Joe Skelly has been with blizzard for almost 20 years. If he’s not prepared yet, maybe it’s time for new talent?


It was actually kinda fun and a lot more content than this. Just don’t do a combo that negates your build.

Come on man…

  1. A quick google search shows that Joe Shely was promoted to game director for Diablo IV in late 2021

  2. A quick google search popped up Mike Ybarra tweeting:

Proud of Team 3 and all teams over a 6+ year span @Blizzard_Ent that bring this title…

When this is even something that you need to even consider saying out loud, or typing out…that’s a problem. You don’t give someone praise for not acting like a child when they are over 25 years old…it is expected that you act like an adult.

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One of the top execs for Blizzard leveled to 100 in the pre-season LUL.