After hearing LIVE QA on Diablo 4 i can say that Joe Shely ( Game Dircetor ) never PLAYED the game

At the very least they don’t play Sorc. If they did, they wouldn’t for long.

someone else was bringing this up as industry slang, and i wanna hear more - can you link me to this game dev on youtube?

Agree on topic , a great game has a Team with a stem of passion for the game they build Becouse They play it , just imo

Ah yes, the old, “the developers never played the game they developed argument.”

ahhh the ImAnAngel here in yet 6 of 6 top posts doing what again TROLLING instead of putting input into the discussion just here to literally troll and off pitch the subject cuz ohhh their bored of playing the game so they are trolling forums but claim the game is so great. go play it then

I don’t have input aside enjoying the game.

Remember when people used to claim they were “only trolling” in order to avoid repercussions? When did we do a complete 180 to people claiming people they don’t like are trolls?

This term MVP (minimum viable product) came from “Lean Startup” methodology — it’s a way of incrementally developing prototype products while you figure out a fit between product features and potential customers. But for a product as mature as D4, and a customer base that already exists , Lean is not an appropriate process. And anyway an MVP is meant to be the first step in a many many iterations (which they already took months ago with the private and public betas). When people say MVP these days they usually mean something like “alpha test” and that’s way in the rear view mirror for this game.

POE had fail seasons with things even worse than 1.1 D4 patch… The amount of whine was way more. Everyone remember archnemesis mobs and failed redesign of league mechanics.

i didnt claim. he literally said he was trolling in another post

I think they kind of hinted at it when they were talking about patch accreditation on consoles. Consoles 100% hamper the design and iteration of games, and we all know it, but it’s too big of a market for a publicly traded company to ignore. Blizzard was better when they were a private, PC focused dev company.

Id vouch stronly for last epoch. Having a blast blowing anything up as a wizard should.

i think joe shely just isn’t a person to speak publicly, hes more of an introverted.

same reason why most of TV finds good speakers first, personality second.

if you can’t speak, you shouldn’t be in front of a camera. it looks very bad

Dawn of Masteries mod has a ton of changes that make grim dawn even more entertaining.

I highly doubt vast majority blames them for power-leveling nerf, i agree that it was stupid to stand at the begging of dungeon and collect all experience because some high-end player is boosting you.

We are furious for all other nerfs based on data metrics rather than actually testing High End content. Playing the campaign and pushing level 100 in high NM tiers are literally 2 different games, and the game in its core is broken at High End NM. And their response to it was to nerf everything, to make some classes straight up useless now? How can a team that plays and tests the game come up with those decisions? To me it doesn’t make the sense.

I am confident they don’t play high end content at all, otherwise patch wouldn’t be such a mess like they are right now.

no one in the team has played endgame until very recently. well, maybe not played, but paid attention to.


I don’t want a fan-service game. I want a good game. The longer I play D4 the more I think the design was too ambitious and the dev team at Blizzard didn’t do their infamous “where’s the fun” check to decide if they should scrap the project or keep going.

The open world is a great idea, but it seems like it’s too much of the focus of the game.

I do not share the opinion.

I don’t think you have taken the time to think about the perspective of a dev and how it is different from the perspective of a player. You can be both a dev and a player at the same time, but when players are asking questions, they expect the dev to answer.

A common example of this is the relationship between kids and dads. It is common for kids to think that dads don’t know what it is like to be a kid, but this is untrue. Dads just got to be dads for the sake of the kid.

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Last Epoch is great aside from one glaring issue…5 skill slots. Just can’t get past that when playing. Feels even more limiting than D4.

It’s not low IQ, you just disagree with it. People like you set the bar low when they refuse to acknowledge what’s blatantly obvious to anyone that’s not mindlessly infatuated with the game.

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